Just then the door creaked open, a tall figure appeared. I couldn't see his face but I was afraid he might have seen me attempting to break the window, I coiled back as the figure took steps towards me, then he backed away and switched on the lights, I could see his face now. A genuine-looking man stood there in front of me, looking at me with confused eyes, carrying two paper bags.

"Who are you? And why are you here?" I take a defensive position to avoid any attack that could come at me. 

"Scared of me?" he casually asked. You don't reply. He sits down on the bed and places his bag on the floor beside it, I don't move an inch observing his every move.  He stares back at me. 

 He looked like someone who was someone really different. The look of pure confusion on his face even confused me. 

Does this man know what the actual heck is going in this house, is this a torture room?! Is he here to torture me?! 

I looked down at the two bags by the bed. 

What is in it? Explosives?! Knives?!  Lasers?! kerosene to burn me alive?!

"Woah calm down there, I'm not a robber in your house or a murderer that you're planning to karate chop," He said, looking around the room. 

"Why are you here then? And most importantly why am I here?" 

"Listen, lady, I guess you know one of the answers already, you're here because of Park Jimin, and I'm here to save you from cold."

"What the hell?" 

"In other simple words, I have something for you to wear, so that you won't grow sick before you apologize to Jimin in front of media" 

"I'd rather die" 

"Oh, trust me, we both know you don't want to" He takes out a dark grey pair of PJ's from the paper bags, walking towards me handing the clothes over to me. 

"And what if I do?" I challenge. 

"Jimin will kill you even before you think of killing yourself, we don't want a suicidal case in this house please" He scoffs, waving his hand dismissively. 

They really can't think a second without violence huh? What psychotic people am I dealing with?

I roll my eyes, "Whatever" 

"Don't you roll your eyes at me! I'm older than you! That's disrespect! Kids these days. tsk.tsk." 

"Where's the bathroom?" I asked ignoring his rants. 

"Right there" he points and plops back on the bed, crossing his legs. 

I walk straight into the small room, closing the door and locking it, I can't trust anyone here. "And don't you 'whatever' me!" The man shouts from outside. 

"Whatever!" I shout back. 

I heard him clicking his tongue in annoyance.  

Trust me, man, I don't want to be here either. 

I unfolded the clothes he gave to me, looking like any normal clothing, but I couldn't help but be skeptical about it. I doubt each one of them. 

Just wait till I find my way out, I'm not scared of any of you! Even if you threaten me, I don't care. 

Slowly putting on the pajamas I realized they were quite comfy and appropriate size. I look at myself in the bathroom's mirror above the basin. They were velveted ones, ultimately warm. I wanted nothing else but to fall asleep right now. 

I walked out of the bathroom to only the man sitting on his bed, eyes glued to his phone. 

"Why are you still here? And how do you know my size? Were you always stalking me?" 

"You don't stop questioning do you?" he sighed. 

"I know your size cause I take care of other six adults-like-kids in my family, so I knew what would fit you just by looking at you" he shrugged. 

I choked as my eyes grew wide, "Six adult-like-kids?!"

"Mmm-hmm. You've met one of them and you're going to meet others soon, till the time it's confidential" 

He gets up, walking towards the door, and turns to me, "And I'm still here because I was waiting for you, now let's head down, you must be hungry, I'll get you something to eat, the least hospitality we can give" 

I scoffed, "I don't need your HOSPITALITY, and sure enough not your food either" 

I heard a grumbling sound come from my stomach. Looking at the expression on the man's face, he heard it too. I facepalmed. 

Just great...

"Mmm, your stomach's saying otherwise", he said laughing. 

"Whatever, I don't need your food," I said sternly. 

Another grumble. 

"Shut up will you?!" I groan, smacking my forehead. 

The man bursts out laughing, "It will shut up once you feed it something"

He opened the door, "Let's head down, I'm Jin by the way"

I folded my arms against my chest. Clearly embarrassed because of my growling stomach. 

"Fine" I grumbled.



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