Part Twenty-Seven

Start from the beginning

I went to my vanity and put on my eye lashes,doing my eyebrows and putting on clear lip gloss. I grabbed my pink purse and phone.

"Aight Clare I'm bouta leave",I said walking up to the bed where he was laying at. "Okay,gimme kiss",he said as I looked at him smiling.

"Bye Clarence",I said as I tried to turn around but he pulled me back kissing me.

I pulled away shaking my head and left out the bedroom with him behind me.

"Call me as soon as you get there",he said as I made it downstairs. "Okay Clare",I said as I walked outside to Faith car.

"Hey bestie",I said as I got in the car. "Hey Bre",She said dryly. "Well damn ain't see me and some days and this how I get treated",I said as she chuckled.

"Sorry boo,it's just that Draco been getting on my last nerve ",she said as I shook my head laughing.

"What's so funny?",she asked. "You like him",I said as she shook her head.

"He drives me crazy"

"Yeah because you like him",I said as she started laughing.

"But what did he do?"

"He asked me to be his and I said no and now he got bitches coming in and out the house,making the place smell like a seafood boil",she said as I also choked on my spit.

"Now sis you know you wrong for the seafood boil",I said dying of laughter.

"Nah bruh I'm serious,bitch gonna get smart wit me,talking bout some "who are you" bitch I live here,I should be asking ya fishy ass that",she said as tears was coming out my eyes from laughing to hard.

"Stop Faith!,ima bouta pee on myself",I said as she started laughing. We pulled up to the doctors office and Faith got out and I stayed in the car.

"Why you still in the car",she asked me. "Cause I gotta call Clarence irritating ass",I said as she started laughing.

"You there?",he asked as soon as I called. "Yeah",I started laughing.  "Aight"he said as he hung up.

Well damn nigga

I sighed as I got out the car as me and Faith walked in. I signed in and we waited in the waiting room. They called me back and Faith came with.

"Okay so ya twins are perfectly healthy and you are now 5 months pregnant marked today,so you are now able to find out the twins gender,so would you like to know now or do you want to wait and do your own thing",the doctor asked.

"I'm thinking about a gender reveal",I said as she nodded. "Okay so who is gonna be in charge of the reveal",the doctor asked.

"Faith you wanna be in charge?",I asked. "Yeah,i'd love to",she said as I started laughing.

"Okay,come with me",the doctor said to Faith as she followed. While I was waiting I decided to FaceTime Clare.

He ain't answer so I decided to FaceTime Brookland. She picked on the third ring.

"Hey bunny",I said as soon as the call connected. "Hey Bre,I miss you",she said making a sad face though the face.

"I miss you too",I said making a sad face back. "Whatcha doin",I asked her.

"Oh I was just writing down my feelings",she said as I started smiling. Bunny have anger issues and she's better from how she was when she was little and I'm proud of her for that.

"Whatcha doin",she asked me. "Oh I'm at the doctor,I'm here cause they gonna tell me the babies gender",I said as her eyes lit up.

"Oh my god!,do you know the genders of the twins!!",she said excitedly. "That's the thing,ima have a gender reveal so I was calling you to ask if you wanted to help plan it like Faith is?",I stated.

"Yeah I guess I can clear my schedule",she said as we started laughing. Just then the doctor came back into the room with Faith behind her.

"Aight bunny,ima catch ya later",I said as I sat up on the bed they had me on. "Okay,love you Bre",she said smiling.

"Love you too",I said as I ended the call. "Okay so Faith have the papers for the gender reveal,to reveal the gender and she is gonna take all of that and plan ya gender reveal",the doctor said as I took the stuff of my belly.

"Okay so next check up I expect for you to know ya babies genders and we can go on from there",she stated.

"Okay,thank you",me and Faith said in unity as she nodded leaving out the room.

"Okay so I got the papers",Faith said dancing around as I hopped off the bed almost busting my ass. "Girl you got a whole stepper to use to get off the bed and you gonna hop ya short ass off the bed",she said as I grabbed my things and we left out the room laughing.

We left out the building and made it into the car. "Where we bouta eat at",I asked like the little boy on Instagram and Faith started laughing at me.

"You wanna go to a restaurant?",she asked me. "Yes please",I said as I made this "😫"face and she started laughing.

"Okay mama bear,whatcha craving",she asked me. "Some all you could eat",I said as she pulled off and we made our way they.

We got there and got out and made it into all you could eat.

A hour in a half later....
"Aight bye Faith",I said as she dropped me off at the house and I made it to the front door.

But before I could someone came up behind me grabbing me.

"Who tf",I said moving away from that person and pulling out my pepper spray.

"Aye,aye Bre chill",Clare said as I mugged him. "Nigga I should smack ya black ass",I said as he started laughing.

I pulled out my key to unlock the door and go into the house but Clarence stopped me.

"Nigga what?",I asked as he stopped me from going into the house. "This ain't our house anymore",he stated as I looked at him stupid.

"Nigga what?",I asked again as he started laughing. "We moving,I already got everything and it's moved into the new house and all we gotta do is drive to the home",he said as I just stared at him.

"Nigga,when you do all this?",I asked. "When you was at the doctors",he said as I stared at him.

"So that's why ya ass ain't answer the phone,and how the fuck you move everything outta the house so fast?",I asked.

"I got my ways",he stated as he pulled me to his car. "Well this bouta be a long ride so get comfortable",he stated.

"So nigga we moving,moving?",I asked. "Nah,we just far away from this area",he said as he started up the car.

I laid my head on the window and before you knew it I was out.

Aight y'all so I'm sorry I left y'all with that cliffhanger like that but hey I got y'all anxious but I feel like this chapter wasn't that exciting but next chapter ima see what I can do but byeeeee and sorry for any mistakes.

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