
Katherine saw Jace standing over Hodge with his blade raised, ready to strike when Alec ran past her and like Jace had done weeks ago, he slammed Jace down to the ground.She ran to where he had pinned Jace  to the ground and picked the younger boy's blade up in her hand as Luke stood over Hodge whose hand Jace had cut off.

''It's over!'' Alec shouted at him.

Jace struggled against his grip ''It's not over!'' he looked at where Hodge was ''He's a traitor.He deserves to pay.'' ''You nearly killed him.'' Alec looked at Hodge  as Katherine kneeled next to the two.

''Maybe I should have killed him! He sided with Valentine,Alec.The Clave let him go once before and look where that got us.''

''What are you gonna do?You are gonna kill every ex-circle member, even our parents?'' 

Jace again struggled against his grip ''Robert and Maryse aren't my parents.'' Katherine gasped in shock and Alec looked taken aback by what the younger boy had said ''You said it yourself.They are your parents, they raised you.'' 

Jace let his head fall to the ground in defeat as Alec patted his chest ''Just calm down.'' he got up and sighed at Katherine before walking over to Hodge and Luke.

Katherine sat down next to Jace, pushing his blade towards him ,he sat up and looked at the graffiti covered walls.

''You know, I hate Hodge too for what he has done.'' he nodded his head still not looking at her ''And I know why you did what you did.'' she gently pulled his face so that he looked at her. Katherine's eyes softened ''You might have been raised by Valentine  but you are nothing like that man.'' the hard look evaporated from his eyes.

She shrugged her shoulders ''Sure you are cocky, and an idiot...but you're also kind, loving, and an amazing friend.'' Jace smiled at Katherine and she patted his cheek before she walked to where Alec was stopping Hodge's bleeding.

None of the three had noticed what Jace had done and what he was about and how that would send the younger boy down a road that they didn't want for him.


Alec and Katherine left Hodge with Jace near a graffiti wall and walked over to where Luke was talking to Alaric on his phone.

He placed his phone back in his pocket and turned around to look at the two shadowhunters ''How's Hodge doing?'' ''He'll live, it's Jace we are worried about.'' Alec shared a look of worry with Katherine who sighed ''Valentine messed with his head .''

Luke frowned ''What? At Renwick's?'' she nodded her head along with Alec ''Yeah.He went through a lot recently''.

Katherine looked back at Jace before looking at Luke ''He's been through a lot, we thought it was all fine now but something's clearly killing him from inside.'' ''And we don't know what it is.''

''This is all too familiar.I saw a similar thing with Valentine 18 years ago.'' Luke looked between them, Katherine shook her head ''Jace isn't Valentine.'' anger showed in Alec's voice and she ran her thumb on his knuckles, his muscles relaxed under her touch.

''Not yet.We gotta keep an eye on him.'' Alec looked away ''Alright.''

Katherine felt Jace's absence and turned around to see that he along with Hodge had disappeared in thin air. Luke followed her gaze ''Where'd they go?'' ''What do you mean?'' Alec's eyes went to her before he turned around and saw an empty graffiti wall.

''Damn it ,Jace.''


''Kate, hey.'' Alec caught her arm as she shook the dizziness off ''Jace's blocking me out....he doesn't want to be found.'' she looked up at him in worry and he sighed before putting his phone to his ear.

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