A woman practising medicine was something that can be considered taboo. There were women who practised medicine, but it was mainly to assist another male physician. Barely any women did practise, actually. Hua Yang was lucky enough to have permission to. Being one of the members of the Imperial family is a privilege. 

        She had royal power. The Emperor was her brother and I assume they had a close bond together... Hua Yang, I considered, was an acquaintance. She lived in the capital where she spent most of her time. Perhaps keeping her close was beneficial for me. 

         I don't think it was manipulative. If anything went wrong, Hua Yang could stick up for me. It was to my advantage, but I did acknowledge Hua Yang as a trusted friend. She could see through me if I ever wanted to control her. 

        Which I don't. 

        "How have you been holding up?" Hua Yang questioned me, her eyebrows slanted up doubtfully.

         "I'm not doing so great," I chewed my bottom lip. "I lost my maid who I loved so dearly. Your Highness, she kept me sane. I still can't believe she hung herself... It was my fault for never checking up on her."

         Hua Yang shook her head and pursed her lips in disappointment. "You don't deserve that. None of it. I heard about the rumours and I believe one of your maids betrayed you?"

         "Yes, but—" I began but Hua Yang read my thoughts.

         "Somebody is behind all of it," Hua Yang put up her index finger and nodded. "It's not believable for a maid to hang herself with silk."

          I grabbed Hua Yang's hand quickly, almost alarming her. I craned my neck and frowned. "I was thinking that too! I thought I was crazy..."

         You best believe I'm following Su Yin's advice.

         "It is quite suspicious," Hua Yang thought carefully. A solemn expression was on her face, but she darted her chin up to look at me again. My eyes were watering. "Let's change the topic, I don't want to upset you."

          My maids poured us tea and I was eager to get to know Hua Yang's character. If Hua Yang thinks that Guan Shu's suicide wasn't truly suicide, it confirms her intelligence. But for my own good, I didn't push her to say who she thought it was. 

        "I'm interested in the medical field as well. It'd be nice to watch how you work," I sipped on the freshly brewed tea placed in front of me. I acknowledged my maids before looking at Hua Yang. "Your Highness, I support you."

        "I know you do. You always did from the first time we met." Hua Yang sighed. 

        I frowned. "You want to be a physician?"

        Hua Yang's eyes darted to me, immediately after she put her cup down. Her eyes widened. "I-I... It'd be bold to say I do."

        "But you do, don't you?" I tilted my head, leaning forwards.

        She was clearly hesitant to admit that she did. I could read people very easily, anyone but the Emperor, of course. Hua Yang's eyes scanned around the room, then at me, then around the room again. A woman saying she'd like to be a physician would shock many. But it doesn't shock me.

        "Yes, I do," Hua Yang cleared her throat. She gave me a defeated smile.  

         "Why not convince His Majesty?" I asked thoughtfully, pouring myself another cup of tea.

        Hua Yang shook her head. "It doesn't work like that. Court officials influence the Emperor a lot because he's still young. My brother is under Mother's hold as well."

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