"Don't come back." Warren replied.

Then the Man got back in his vehicle and drove off while 10K leaned over to Bailey and whispered, "That's from a movie?"


He was looking out one of the tall windows in Murphy's new HQ. Down below were two rows of chain link fence that ran parallel to each other and the space between them was slowly filling with Z's every day. It was the moat Murphy had designed to protect his home, a moat that only a blend could get through. Needless to say that meant 10K had been trapped inside ever since the fence went up.

"No matter where you run, they will always find you." Murphy was saying as he looked out the window to 10K's right. "Looks like we have some Murphy seeking squatters out in the cheap seats."

"Just finished repairing that section of fence." The father of the little girl – Will Chaffin – said standing at the window to Murphy's right, now with a bite on his face too. "Would you like to show me where to put the compost pile?"

"Yes." Murphy replied smiling and Will followed him out of the room, "I'll check out the zombie moat while I'm at it." He said. 10K held his rifle in his hands looking out the window and shrugging every now and then still adjusting to his new clothes. He'd been given a black jumpsuit to wear with a brown belt and a grey shirt for underneath. He still wore a bandana but had gotten rid of his goggles.

When Murphy got back from checking the zombie moat he went in for an appointment with Dr. Merch while 10K continued to stand guard at the window. He saw two of the people who'd been camped outside suddenly inside the fence, probably why Murphy wanted to get more Z's into it, it was too easily breached.

He turned and walked into Merch's lab, "Some of the refugees won't take no for an answer."  He told Murphy, "I just saw two of them inside the fence."

"The natives are getting restless." Murphy said getting up from his seat, "We need that vaccine now."

"It should be ready within forty eight hours." Merch replied.

"And you're making sufficient quantities?" he asked as 10K rested his gun against one of the cabinets and crossed his arms.

"As you instructed, ten thousand doses. But I need to do more testing before we use it on humans. I don't know if it's safe –"

"Blah, blah, blah the apocalypse is one giant human trial!" Murphy snapped, "The future is here. My people need the vaccine now." Murphy said storming out of the room as Dr. Merch stood beside 10K with her hands in her pockets. Once Murphy was gone he saw her move quickly, then felt a sharp pain in his neck before he collapsed, hit the floor and passed out.

Bailey POV

She was making her way east through Seattle and immediately she began to question if she'd followed the right tracks.  The further she went the more she was reminded why it was a good idea to avoid cities in the apocalypse. There was red spray paint everywhere with red handprints. One bridge she came to had the word THIEVES in huge letters on the underpass and on the other side were four bodies that had been hung and their stomachs sliced so their entrails hung out like long bloody ropes. There were people on the top of the bridge but they didn't see her, their attention was on the four Z's hanging off the side of the bridge – must have been friends of theirs, she thought and she ducked further out of the way to make sure they wouldn't notice her.

"The Red Hand are going to die for what they did here." One was saying and at the words Red Hand Bailey turned to the wall behind her back looking at the spray painted handprints again.

Fracking Apocalypse - a ZNation 10K/Tommy FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now