Unique Chapter 1

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All Grown Up, Unique Chapter 1

Luke's POV:

"Luke, you aren't being fair!" Mia whined. I was so not in the mood right now.

"Look, Mia. I'm going to walk away and we will talk about this later because I'm in a bad mood and it's that time of the month for you." I rolled my eyes. She was being so damn annoying right now.

"You are being such a douche! Seriously, I don't care whether you know my cycle or not. Do not ever say I'm mad because I am on my period. It makes me even more mad. Just because I am on my period does not mean I don't have a legitimate reason to be angry at you right now!" She huffed. I know it was wrong to say that but I really am mad at her.

"I'm sorry that I don't want to be with you 24/7. It's not always about you." I said.

"I realize that! I don't want to be with you all that time either, trust me. I just can't believe you are canceling our plans for our 2 year anniversary! For some stupid football game! Don't get me wrong, I love football but I love you more and I thought it was vice versa. I suppose I was wrong." She yelled.

"You know that's not what I mean. I do love you more than the game." I argued.

"You have an odd way of showing it. Canceling our plans to go to the game on our 2 year anniversary of dating. Luke, it has been 2 years. We were going to go to the place where we had our first date then we would have spent the rest of the night together.

Do you know how many more football games there are? There is only one time we have our 2 year anniversary of dating and you ruined it. That's something you will never get back. But don't worry! I'll sit at home and hang out with Matt or Ian because they actually wanted to hang out with me tonight unlike you. Oh, and by the way, my dad was going to leave the house and let us have it to ourselves tonight. But because that isn't something you want, I will find other plans, asshole. Have fun tonight!" She exclaimed while walking out of my room and down the steps.

I didn't try to stop her. I just laid back on the bed and ran my fingers through my hair. I heard a light knock on the door before Eli opened it. "You alright, man?" He asked. I simply nodded and rolled over to the other side. "Come on, I just saw Mia angrily storm out of here and you are lying on your bed looking frustrated. What happened?" Eli wasn't going to let this one go. I groaned before sitting up.

"You are going to take her side." I said.

"I promise I won't until I have heard the entire story. I will also give you advice on how to fix it." He promised.

"Fine. You know the football game tonight? Well today is also mine and Mia's 2 year anniversary. She came over this morning and I gave her flowers and chocolates. I was going to give her the gift tonight, but dad told us this morning that we could go.

We begged dad to go to this game ever since we were 12. He finally let us and now I feel bad letting Mia down. Manchester United is finally playing Liverpool in England and dad was going to take me and you.

So, Mia is mad at me and she said that she was going to hang out with Matthew and Ian tonight. She was probably just trying to make me jealous, but it worked.

She also said that Zayn was going to let us have the house to ourselves tonight! Since when does he not let us sleep in the same bed when you are in the room but is going to let us stay home alone tonight?" I explained

Eli's eyes were wide in shock after my story. "I'm sorry that they are on the same night, that sucks. To be honest, I think you should spend the night with Mia. I'm not taking her side. You do have a good reason to skip but is it really a good enough reason? It is your 2 year anniversary. I also think you should stick to your plans with Mia because you made them with her first.

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