Chapter 1

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Luke's POV:

I finally had the balls to ask my parents if I could have Mia over. When they said yes I was so happy. I never really got to spend alone time with her because whenever I saw her it was with the One Direction family. There were always parents and other kids around us.

I have liked Mia for a long time now but never knew how to show it. I am 2 years older than her, I'm 14 and she is 12. She is almost 13, though. I wanted to wait until she was a little bit older before I asked her out.

Now that she is almost a teenager I feel like I should get to know her on a more intimate note rather than like friends. When I invited her over my parents annoyed me and told us "no sex!" I know that I'm really attracted to Mia, I mean come on she is so gorgeous. She is so kind, funny, and smart, her amazing body was a bonus.

Although she is hot I wouldn't make her do anything she wasn't ready for, hell I'm a teenage boy and I'm not even ready for that yet.

When Mia came in I gave her a kiss on the cheek and we walked to my room to watch a movie. I turned on Grown Ups and sat in my bed with her. "Are you cold?" I asked.

She nodded her head even though she was wearing a sweatshirt and sweatpants. She still looked beautiful, the way she tucked her hands into the holes in her sweatshirt.

She had her long brown hair into a high ponytail and had her glasses on. While the movie was going on I turned to look at Mia and admire her beauty. She would lick her pink plump lips and occasionally tuck the fallen pieces of hair from her ponytail behind her ears.

She looked back at me and I had a huge urge to kiss her. We just look into each other's eyes for a few seconds and then my eyes traveled down to her lips. When I looked back at her eyes she was looking down at my lips. At that moment I knew she wanted to kiss me too.

I slowly leaned in and closed my eyes, I could tell she did the same because I could feel her hot breath on my cheek. I took the initiative and put my hands around her face and pulled her face closer to mine.

When our lips touched everything felt so relaxing, meanwhile on the inside my stomach was full of butterflies and I got the chills down my back. It felt like nothing else mattered. I had a crush on this girl my whole life and it was finally happening.

I carefully climbed overtop of her body and swung my leg to be on the other side of her so that I was straddling her. I had one hand on her face while the other was on her neck.

"I KNEW IT!" I heard from the hallway, making me break our kiss. I climbed off of Mia and turned around to see my parents looking at Mia and I with smirks on their faces. "What did we say about sex?" My dad laughed. Mia and I were both beat red.

"We weren't doing anything like that I promise! We were just kissing!" I tried to explain.

"Save it Luke. Can you imagine what Zayn would do to either one of you if he found out about what you two were just doing?" My mum said.

"Please don't tell my dad! We won't ever again!" Mia pleaded.

"I don't know about ever again.." I stated. Mia gave me a look.

"You're not helping the situation, Luke." She said annoyed.

I put my hands up in defense and said, "Well I didn't want to lie too!"

"Well if you keep it up we might not again." She rolled her eyes at me.

"Enough, you two!" My dad said walking into the room I share with Eli. My mom followed him and closed the door behind her.

Oh no, here comes a long lecture about how we are getting older and sex. "Look, we won't tell Zayn. But you two need to keep it PG around the parents, kids, and at school. None of us want to see that. What you two do alone is none of our business, but we have faith that we raised you guys right and that you will make smart decisions. If you two 'get out of hand', you guys know what I mean by that, there will be consequences. Am I clear?" My mother lectured us like I knew she would.

"Clear." Mia and I both mumbled.

"So are you guys a thing now?" My dad asked. Before I could answer Mia spoke up.

"No, just friends." I wish we were more, I thought.

"Alright we will leave you two alone but remember what we said!" Marcel said. I nodded and closed the door behind them.

"Um, so I, you're a really good kisser." I blurted out. Wow, way to get a girl Luke. Mia blushed and looked down.

"Thanks. The kiss was, uh, nice." She told me.

"Look Mia I want to get to know you better. I know that I know a lot about you like your favorite color and favorite food, but I mean like really good friends. So would you like to hang out with me tomorrow night? Maybe at the mall or something?" I asked her.

I couldn't take it anymore. Mia was standing there looking so pretty and I saw an opportunity and I took it. She thought about it for a second then answered.

"Yeah, I would like to get to know more about you too. The mall sounds great, or whatever you want to do is fine with me." She said and smiled. I gave her a kiss on the cheek and led her back over to my bed so we could finish the movie.

"Oh and Luke?" Mia asked.


"You're a really good kisser too."

A/N: You will need to refer back to the family guide later in the book! (IT IS THE SECOND PICTURE AT THE BEGINNING OF THIS CHAPTER) Hope you enjoyed the first chapter and continue reading! Thanks

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