Chapter 23

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All Grown Up, Chapter 23

Mia's POV:

When we walked down the steps into the living room where the kids were, no one turned to look at us this time. Luke walked over to where Eli was. "Eli, go change." Luke demanded. I looked at the two of them and noticed they were wearing the exact same outfit.

"What? No." Eli defended.

"Yes. I wanted this shirt first and you had to buy it after I did." Luke said annoyed.

"Well, I was wearing it first." Eli crossed his arms over his chest.

"I don't care. I bought it first, go change." Luke ordered harshly.

"I said no." Eli responded.

"I don't understand why you always have to copy me. It's like you are obsessed with me or something. You are so clingy. I swear, you always want to hang out with me. Well, guess what, Eli? I have friends and a girlfriend, who I enjoy spending time with. I'm sorry if you don't, but that doesn't mean I always want to hang out with you." Luke spat. Everyone was watching them now.

"You know, you have become a real dick since you have got in a relationship. You think you are so cool because you have a pretty girlfriend. Well, guess what Luke? You may have gained a girlfriend in this past month but you also lost your brother as your friend." Eli stated while walking away from Luke.

"You were never much of a friend anyway." Luke laughed sarcastically.

"Are you serious right now?" Eli said in shock as he turned back to him. The rest of the teenagers and I just stood there watching. "Luke, I was an amazing brother to you. We were best friends and were always there for each other. I'd tone down the ego if I were you." Eli stalked away into the kitchen.

Luke ran his fingers through his hair and walked away too. I shrugged my shoulders while looking at the rest of them. I feel like Luke is in a fight with everyone right now. Luke treats me like a princess I don't think he is mean to Eli and Blake.

Although, Luke and Eli haven't been on good terms since Luke and I started dating. Maybe it's my fault that they aren't friends right now. At first I thought they might be having a fall out but now that I think about it, it probably is not a coincidence that this has happened as soon as we started dating.

I walked in the kitchen to see Eli helping his mum and Luke standing in the kitchen against the counter on his phone. Eli was wearing the same pants and shoes but changed his shirt to a white collard polo. I decided not to talk to either one of them and give them their space because they are both probably pretty mad right now.

I went to talk to my mum because I haven't in awhile. "Hey." I sat down next to her and Charlotte. Charlotte climbed into my lap and wrapped her arms around my neck, giving me a hug. She was such an affectionate little girl.

"What's up?" She asked while she set the dining room tables.

"Nothing. Luke and Eli are fighting and I don't want to get into it." I sighed.

"Boys will be boys." She laughed and I joined her.

"You know your dad talked to Luke yesterday?' She informed me.

"Really? What about?" This was news to me.

"About what Blake said."

I groaned. "Ugh, that's so weird." My boyfriend and my dad talking about condoms when we are 14 and 13 is not my ideal situation, that's for sure.

"He needs to know boundaries, Mia. You do too, young lady."

"Mom! We haven't done anything wrong and we aren''t currently doing anything wrong." I said embarrassed. I hate these conversations.

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