Chapter 16

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All Grown Up, Chapter 16

Luke's POV:
"Bye guys! That was such a fun party. Thanks for having us." Jacob, Kyle, and Erik said before leaving. All the girls had already left this morning.

Today sucked because we had to pack up and go home. We had to pack, drive home, and be ready for church at 12:00pm.

I took a shower as soon as I got up so that I just had to get dressed when we got home. This time I was riding home with my family because we would see them all at church in 2 hours anyway. I helped Nate and Darcy load their things into the back of the car while climbing into the car. Darcy sat in her car seat next to me while Nate and Eli sat in the very back. On the ride home Darcy fell asleep on me and Nate fell asleep on the window.

"Luke, Eli, did you guys behave yourselves last night?" My mum asked. I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah." I said annoyed.

"Did he Eli?" My mom asked.

"Yeah." Eli said with no emotion. My mum smiled and dropped the subject.

So not only is Eli trying to get into my love life, my mum is too.

After about an 1 hour and 15 minute drive we were pulling back up to our house. When we got inside all 4 of us kids went into the elevator with our luggage. I carried Darcy's luggage for her. I dropped it off into her room.

"Darc, mum said she will be up in a minute to help you get ready." I told her.

"Thank you, Wuke." She said smiling. I loved when she said my name because she always said "Wuke" instead of "Luke". When I went into my room I put on some tan khakis, a white polo shirt with a basketball t-shirt underneath it. I put on my white nike socks and slipped on my tan Sperry's. I put on deodorant and sprayed some cologne then combed through my hair straightening it out. We left for mass at 11:45 because we lived right down the street from the church.

"Hey, you look very pretty." I told Mia while kissing her cheek and wrapping my arm around her shoulder. Mia was wearing a white lace dress with a black sweater and back flats. Her hair was straightened down her back.

"Thank you. You look really handsome." She kissed me back on the cheek. I took my arm from around her and intertwined our fingers. We sat wherever as mass began. It was strange being at church on a Tuesday. We usually all went on Sunday's, but since we were leaving for the lodge we did not have time.

During mass I thanked God for blessing me with such a good life, and I thanked him for Mia. When mass ended we went to eat brunch at Louis's house.

We sat in the large dining hall wear we could all fit around the table. It wasn't as hard as it was to fit all of us at the lodge because the 5 Seconds of Summer family was not here.

"Did you guys enjoy the lodge this year?" Liam asked all the kids. We all chorused a yes.

"Well we were thinking maybe this year we could go back and have Thanksgiving there. I know we have Christmas there every year but we thought there would be more stuff for you guys to do there and it would be easier seating for dinner." Liam continued. I was definitely up for it, I loved the lodge more than my own home. We all smiled and shook our head excitedly.

"Yeah, we love it there!" I said and everyone agreed.

"Okay, then it's settled we will spend Thanksgiving break there. When we all finished brunch we cleaned of our plates and sat around the house.

"I can't wait for summer to come around again and we will be playing at the lake." Cameron groaned as we were throwing an American football in the gym downstairs.

"Yeah, totally. I'm so excited to wake board again." I agreed.

"It's weird to think how our families have changed since the start of 2014." Cameron brought up. I thought about it for a second and nodded my head.

"Dude, I know. We are all starting to get in relationships with each other. By the way how is it going with you and Logan?" I smirked at him. He laughed.

"I guess it is pretty good. I'm nervous to ask her out, though." He said I laughed.

"I was so nervous asking Mia. I don't know if you could tell or not, but my voice was shaking. Logan likes you I can tell because she always blushes around you. Please, you have kissed her for 10 seconds and grabbed her ass. I haven't grabbed Mia's yet.... intentionally." I laughed.

"That doesn't mean that she likes me. It was a dare, she had to do it." He said.

"No she didn't. She could of stopped if she was uncomfortable, but she trusted you to take care of her. She even let you touch her like that in front of her older brother." I explained.

"By the way I am really surprised Blake didn't kill me with his bare hands when it happened." Cam laughed.

"Oh, he couldn't even look. I think if Claire didn't climb onto his lap I think he might've. You really should ask Logan to hang out with you like I asked Mia to before we started dating." I suggested. He smiled and thanked me.

"Alright, I'll talk to her. Thanks again, man." He said while putting the football away. We walked back to where everyone was.

"Luke, Eli, Nate, Darcy! It's time to go. You have school tomorrow and still have homework." My dad said.

We grabbed our coats and I found Mia sitting on the couch by her dad. My heart started beating faster. I hate kissing her in front of her dad.

"Bye, I'll see you sometime at school tomorrow." I said and she got up off the couch and gave me a hug. When she pulled back she still had her arms around my neck. She leaned up and kissed me on the lips. She deepened it and after about 7 seconds we heard Zayn clear his throat. Well, I forgot he was there.

"Right, sorry, see you later." I kissed Mia on the cheek. "Nice seeing you, Zayn." I coughed awkwardly. I walked towards the door to find my dad laughing at me.

"Real smooth, Luke. Making out with your girlfriend while not realizing her father is right there. Rookie mistake." He chuckled.

"We did not make out, I swear! It was just a kiss and when I kiss her I'm oblivious to my surroundings." I sighed.

"Obviously." He rolled his eyes. "As funny as it is. Don't let it happen again. I don't want to know what would've happened if Zayn didn't clear his throat. It is also extremely disrespectful to do that in front of her father. It's like you want him to kick your ass." My dad explained.

"I know. I will pay more attention next time." I sighed.

"Good, now let's get home." He ruffled my hair. They drive home was silent but not awkward silence we were all just thinking. I knew we were all tired from the partying.

When we got home Eli and I went up into our large room. I sat at my desk as he sat at his. Neither one of us talked as I pulled out my geometry homework.

When I was done it was 6:34 and my mum called us down for dinner.

After dinner I went upstairs and took off my shirt and put on sweatpants. I played Call of Duty for awhile on my TV that is on the top bunk while Eli watched TV on his.

I texted Mia: Goodnight babe 😘.

Then turned my phone off and went to sleep knowing I was going to be incredibly tired the next morning.

///// filler chapta 💋 #marcel #marcelstyles #marcelimagine #harry #harrystyles #harrystylesimagine #harryimagine #onedirection #EMAbiggestfans1D

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