Chapter 25, Part 1

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All Grown Up, Chapter 25

Eli's POV:
I ran to the far edge of our property back in the woods. When Luke and I were young our dad, Niall, Zayn, Liam, and Louis built a treehouse for us. When we first got the house Luke and I were the only kids in the family because we had not met the 5sos family yet. No one has been up here in years. Luke and I used to spend the entire day up there, I guess we grew out of it. Since there are so many kids now they don't want to lose one because they came all the way out here. So no one comes back here anymore.

I climbed the moss covered ladder and went through the hole in the bottom of it. I sat on the loft we had in it. I saw a hot wheels car up there and smiled. Luke, my dad, and I used to build the track all around the treehouse and down the tree onto the forest floor.

"The cars were so much fun with Luke. Luke. I can't believe I did that to him. I forced his girlfriend on me. Mia was one of my best friends and I just completely betrayed her. She may forgive me if I am lucky but I will never fully get her trust back and I hate that.

Luke is my twin, my best friend, and my other half. Literally, our DNA was split in half. I guess I was just sick of him only caring about Mia anymore.

I suddenly felt like everyone only cared about Luke and Mia. And I was just the other twin who couldn't get a girl. I wasn't lying when I said that Luke was better at everything than me. I don't hate him for it but I am jealous. It's not his fault I guess I just finally cracked when he stopped caring about me.

When Luke realized HE was more valuable than ME is when I felt like I had absolutely no one. We started fighting everyday over stupid things. Luke initiated all of the fights but I didn't know what to do anymore so I just fought back because it was the only way he would still talk to me. I guess I finally cracked." I whispered quietly, talking to myself.

"Eli?" I heard from behind me. I snapped my head around and saw Luke. I still had tears running down my cheeks. "Can I talk to you?" Luke said lightly. I nodded and looked at the ground. "I heard everything you said when you were talking to yourself." Luke looked at the ground too.

"Well, I guess that's okay. Nothing can really make the situation worse than it is." I laughed as Luke gave me a sympathetic smile.

"Eli, I'm sorry for letting you think I was better than you or if I acted like I was better than you. I really never meant it. You mean as much to mum and dad as I do. They love both of us equally and so does everyone else." He told me. That felt amazing to hear from him.

"Thank you. I really appreciate that. But I should be the one apologizing." Luke smiled a little bit. "I can't even tell you how sorry I am for what I did to Mia. I love her like a little sister and I never meant to hurt her or you." I said.

"I forgive you, I'm still fucking pissed, but I forgive you. I just really love her, a lot. I just enjoy being with her. She means so much to me, man. It would break me if anything happened to her and that's why I got so mad. I trust you but please promise me that you won't touch her like that again. I never want to see that vulnerable look on her face again, please." Luke said as if he was on the verge of tears.

"I promise." I solemnly said.

"Thanks. If you didn't do it to hurt me or her. Why did you do it?" He asked.

"Because you weren't listening to me and you were ditching me for Mia. You blamed everything on me and we never talked anymore. I know it's selfish and no excuse for what I did, but I felt like I had been replaced. It's hard to go from being best friends to arguing all the time and not talking at all. When you went with her for Halloween I felt stupid because you ditched me and I had no one else to dress up with. And yesterday when you got mad because we were wearing the same shirt it made me sad. You used to love when we wore the same clothes because we were twins and it made us even more identical. When you got mad I felt like we weren't twins anymore and that you were embarrassed to dress the same as me. When we were arguing I felt like everything I said went right over your head. I felt the need to do something that catches your attention and Mia always has your attention so I just did the worst thing I could think of to make you realize our friendship has went away. I'm sorry." I admitted. Luke actually listened to every word I said.

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