Chapter 5

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All Grown Up, Chapter 5

Mia's POV:
The car ride home wasn't as awkward as I thought it would be. We just listened to the radio and made a little small talk. My dad was being respectful of me and Luke, I appreciated that a lot. When we got home my mum was holding Charlotte on her lap while sitting on the couch. As soon as Charlotte saw Luke she hopped off of my mum's lap and ran to Luke. "Wuke!" She yelled as he scooped her up in his arms.

"Hey princess!" Luke said while putting her on his hip. She giggled as Luke tickled her sides. My dad groaned.

"Both of my daughters like you." He sighed. I blushed and laughed.

"Poor Luke." I said rolling my eyes.

"No, I'm very lucky." Luke said winking at me.

"And he is smooth." My mum added. We all laughed and then my mum took Charlotte upstairs for a bath.

"You kids can go downstairs and hang out in the basement. Remember my rules Luke! I was serious." My dad warned.

"We will, daddy." I said sweetly.

"Yeah, I promise we will, Zayn." Luke said.

"Alright goodnight, Mia." My dad kissed me on the head.

"Night, Luke." My dad said shaking Luke's hand. I saw my dad whisper something into Luke's ear and Luke nodded and said something back. I grabbed Luke's hand and pulled him down the steps.

"Okay night, dad!" I hurried him away. Once we got downstairs Luke laid on the couch and patted the spot between his legs and reached his arms out to me. I giggled and climbed into his arms and in between his legs.

"What's up?" I asked.

"I wanna cuddle and watch a movie, babe." Luke whined. I blushed when he called me babe.

"Uh, what movie do you want to watch?" I said while still blushing. Luke looked scrolled through Netflix and found a movie called Getting That Girl.

"This looks good, wanna watch it?" Luke asked. I looked at the movie which was rated R for sexual content. I sighed and my heart beat faster thinking about watching this with Luke.

"Y-yeah that sounds fine." I stuttered. Luke pressed play and I got up to turn the surround sound on.

Luke's POV:
When Mia got up to turn the surround sound on I had a perfect view of her bum. I was trying not to stare but I couldn't help it. She turned the sound on and came back and sat on my lap again. I wrapped my arms around her and we both got a blanket around us. We laid back and watched the movie.

When a sex scene came on I felt Mia tense up. I rubbed her back and whispered. "I can skip it if you want." She nodded and sighed.

"Sorry, it makes me uncomfortable watching it with you since we aren't dating and alone." Mia said playing with her hair.

"It's okay, I understand." I told her and kissed her head. She thanked me and relaxed some as I skipped to the next scene. We cuddled and watched the rest of the movie in peace. Each time a sex scene came on I respectively skipped it and wrapped my arms around Mia to make her feel as comfortable as possible.

When the movie was over I turned off Netflix and sat up and stretched. "Wanna play basketball?" I asked her.

"Yeah, let me get my shoes." She said getting her Uggs from the steps and I slid on my black free runs. Mia tucked her leggings into her boots and pulled a sweatshirt over her head. I grabbed my black North Face and put it on. We walked to the back door in the basement and walked around the pool and hot tub to the full basketball court. We got a basketball out of the back deck and started to play.

"Do you want to play 21 or do you want to play a one on one game?" I asked her.

"Let's play a one on one game. I'll kick your ass." She smirked.

"Oh really? Will you now?" I laughed.

"I'll let you start off with the ball, you'll need it." She said, passing me the ball.

"Don't get too cocky, Malik." I said driving down the court with Mia right beside me. I dribbled behind back and in between my legs. I then drove a little and pulled back for a jump shot. Mia tried to get a hand up in my face to block it but wasn't quick enough. The ball swished through the net as I smirked at her.

"It's early." She said back to me. After playing for awhile the game was tied at 39-39. Mia had the ball and was dribbling towards the hoop she was trying to score at. Mia dribbled towards the 3 point line. She was dribbling a little out to where I could reach and wasn't using her other hand to protect it. I reached for the ball and knocked it out. When I was going to get the ball Mia turned to race for the ball as well and I ended grabbing her ass. My face went beat red.

"I-I didn't mean that. I'm really sorry." I stuttered as I picked up the ball that rolled to my feet.

"Luke, I can't believe you. You are such a pig, you probably did it on purpose!" Mia yelled at me. My heart started beating faster.

"N-No! Really, I am so-" I started to say as Mia took the ball from my hands and drove towards the basket and laid it off the backboard right into the hoop.

"I win." She smirked. I just stood there in bewilderment.

"What? That's not fair! I really thought you were mad at me! That's cheating." I whined.

"Told you I'd kick your ass. Not only did I do that, you ended up grabbing mine." She laughed.

"I really am sorry, I was going for the ball." I innocently apologized.

"Luke, I'm just messing with you. I believe you if you say it was an accident." She reassured me. I thanked her and we walked inside.

"Good game. I actually didn't think you would beat me, even if you did cheat." I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever. Let's get some hot chocolate." She said as we walked to the kitchen in the basement and made some. We sat at the granite bar and talked.

"Are you excited for the reunion tomorrow?" She asked me.

Every year one October 30th we have a huge party/picnic for the One Direction family. All the parents and their kids are there and 5SOS occasionally joins. This year the 5SOS family will be joining us as well. We hang out all day and then we all spend the night in the lodge. We have a huge Lodge that the One Direction family shares. Each family paid for a portion of it and we have a parents wing with a huge bar, stocked with every bit of alcohol you can imagine.

They have an enormous playroom for all the younger kids with an actual princess castle the size of a small middle class house for the younger girls and thousands of video games for the boys. They have a lounge for the teens with strobe lights and stereos and a huge TV. There are over 50 bedrooms, 40 bathrooms, and probably around 60 TVs. In the back we have a huge patio with a cobblestone fireplace and a large grill. We have a full sized football field, basketball court, a gaga pit and a mini golf course.

We spend the day tomorrow up there, then spend the night. The next day is Halloween so the younger kids go trick or treating there and the teenagers have a big party while the parents trick or treat with the younger kids then come back and have a party of their own in the "adult wing" of the lodge.

We are allowed to invite whoever we want. The party is always large and a great time. After the party the teenagers and parents that attended just stay over and leave in the morning. The One Direction family and the 5sauce family stay over night again and then leave the next day.

Tomorrow is Sunday and we don't have to go back to school until Wednesday. We have the same tradition every year except the parties always get better and better each year.

"Yeah I'm so excited it's always really fun." I replied. Although I was sort of nervous for this year.

"I'm tired." Mia said leaning on me.

"Well let's go to bed." I said putting my arm around her and dragging her to the 2 large white leather couches in the living room. "Night." I kissed her swiftly on the lips and walked to the opposite couch to go to sleep. Tomorrow will be a big day.

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