Special Chapter: Morning After

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All Grown Up, Special Chapter: Morning After

Luke's POV:

I woke up and stretched my arms out. I sighed happily with a smile on my face as the memories of last night came back to me. It was the most amazing thing in the world. When I rolled over Mia wasn't there. "Mia?" I called as I leaned out of bed.

"Yeah?" She called from the bathroom.

"Is everything, you know.....okay? Are you okay?" I asked awkwardly. Mia came walking back into the bedroom walking a little weird. She had a towel wrapped up in her hair so I assumed that she just got out of the shower.

"Yeah, I'm just a little sore and still bleeding a little bit." She told me. I felt bad for her. It sucks that it hurts girls to have sex the first time. I feel like it's unfair.

"I'm sorry, babe. Do you need anything?" I questioned. Mia sat on the bed and winced. "I will carry you everywhere today if I have to." I informed her. I was joking around, but if that's what she needed I would carry her miles.

"No, I'm good." She smiled. I nodded and got out of bed to take a shower. When I got into the bathroom and grabbed a towel I looked into the mirror. My eyes widened and my lips parted.

"Holy shit, Mia!" I yelled in shock. She came running the fastest that she could into the bathroom.

"What? Are you okay?" She asked. I turned to her and gestured to my chest and neck. Her eyes widened too and her face turned red. "I did that?" She said.

My neck was covered in red and black hickeys. They weren't just on my neck though. They were all down my chest and even on my abs and hips. From my collarbone down to my abs there were bright red fingernail marks. Not just 1 or 2, there were around 15. The marks were so deep they were almost bleeding. "I didn't even realize I dug my nails into you, let alone that hard. Oh my gosh, I'm sorry." She apologized.

"Don't apologize, they are hot and I'm pretty sure I gave your chest and neck some pretty nasty marks too. Did I not?" I smirked at her. She blushed.

"Yes. They are all over my neck, collarbones, and chest." She rolled her eyes. "Does that hurt?" She asked while pointing at the fingernail scratches.

"A little bit, they burn. They will hurt like hell when I get hot water on them though. I am actually considering taking a cold shower." I laughed.

"Good idea. I'm going to pack up our stuff and get out clothes out of the dryer, so you take your time." She told me.

"Okay. Please, take the elevator, you don't need to be making yourself more sore. I already feel bad enough." I warned her.

"Luke, you shouldn't be feeling bad. My panties and bra were matching, it wasn't you who decided to have sex. I wanted it just as bad as you did." She informed me.

"I know, I know. I just hate that it hurt you when it was so pleasurable for me." I sighed.

"Oh, believe me it was very pleasurable for me too. The scratches were not out of pain." She winked the hobbled away. I chuckled to myself and turned the water on cold.

Maybe it would make some of the hickeys and scratches fade. Not that I don't want them to be on me because I do, I just don't want anyone else to notice them.

Mia's POV:

I gathered all of our clothes in the bedroom and folded them. I stuffed them into our bags and then took the elevator down to the laundry room.

Once I had everything packed up I made breakfast for Luke and myself. I took a handful of spoons and put them in the freezer.

Luke came down with a pair of khakis and a Ramones t-shirt. He was using a towel to wipe the water off the back of his neck and his hair.

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