Chapter 14

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All Grown Up, Chapter 14

Mia's POV
After Luke and I were sprayed down we went back to working on our pumpkin for real this time. When we were done it looked really good. The mouth had red paint dripping out of it to make it look like blood. We put a candle in it but waited to light it until the party.

Luke carried the pumpkin inside and we went downstairs to see how the lounge was coming along. The lounge was really decorated. It was dark but had the same flashing strobe lights. There were scary statues everywhere and fake blood splattered on the walls. It looked like a haunted house. The kids, teens, and parents were running around getting everything set up. The parents always helped us with the lounge because they don't decorate the area where they party much. After the lounge was done and looked amazing. We all went to help set up the kids area. We have little ghosts set up and colorful pumpkins to light up the room.

The parents go trick or treating with the kids for a little bit then they have a small party with them. Around 10 the kids go to bed and then the parents party.

Our friends come over around 7 and spend the night. This is my favorite part of the trip because the party is always a fun time with our friends.

My best friend Blue was coming and I was so excited to tell her that Luke was my boyfriend. "Mia can you hand me the bag of Snickers?" Luke called to me. I nodded and threw him the bag. He ripped it open with his teeth and dumped them all into a bowl.

We have a table in the lounge that has a bowl of every candy you can imagine. We set up the coolers with pop as water. When we were absolutely done with everything we went upstairs to get dressed into our costumes.

Luke's POV:
I got out of the shower and dried myself off while wrapping the towel around my waist. I put on some Old Spice deodorant and Calvin Klein cologne. I then started putting on my suit when Eli walked in. "What the hell are you putting on a suit for?" He asked.

"Uh, my costume." I said rolling my eyes at him.

"What do you mean? We are always something together for Halloween. We were being batman and the joker. Luke, we have been planning this for months." Eli barked at me.

"Bro, calm down. Mia and I are doing a cute couple thing this year. We talked about it yesterday and we are just going to use the clothes that we have, and Mia is borrowing some of her mum's boots." I said annoyed with him.

Eli laughed sarcastically and left the room. Why can't he just be happy that I have a girlfriend, instead of being grouchy because he doesn't?

Eli's POV:
I can't believe Luke. We are best friends, at least that's what I thought. I would not have cared if he did something with Mia and told me but telling me 2 hours before the party is not what I had in mind. Ever since he has been hanging with Mia he has been distant with me.

Trust me I am really happy for Luke that he has a girlfriend but it's starting to annoy me. Not only do so feel like Luke is shutting me out, I feel like he doesn't even like me anymore. I have thought about it for a little bit and at first I thought we were just drifting apart, but now I know he is being a dick.

I love Mia like a sister but I feel like she is taking Luke away from me. He is my twin brother and I rarely see him anymore. I might be overreacting, but I miss when Luke was my nice brother I could tell anything to.

Mia's POV:
I took another shower because I still smelled like pumpkin guts. I then blow dried my hair and put lotion on my legs. When I was done I put my robe on in case one of the little girls walked in.

I painted my fingernails black and heated up my curling iron. While I was waiting I slipped on my panties and my black leggings. I took of the robe and put on a black bra then slipped into my tight, black, long sleeve dress. I went into the bathroom and started to curl my long, dark, brown hair.

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