Chapter 6 (Under Editing)

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It's bright, so bright that my eyes need time to adjust. Once the light fades into the sky above I observe my surroundings. There are park benches and small trees around the perimiter of the quaint park I find myself in. A man is flying a kite, he looks to have some mental slowness but it all feels peaceful. I sit on one of the wooden benches and watch as his smile lights up his features. The kite does a nose dive and swoops back up into the air and I hear the man laugh. Birds are singing and two bees are pollinating the yellow flowers at my feet. The grass is the most beautiful green I have ever seen.


Dean Winchester pops into my thoughts and I try to shove him to the corner of my mind. He is a psychopath and I want nothing to do with the handsome man. Dean's quite charming, though...

"Cassandra," a raspy voice outspoke and I stand from my seat on the bench, whirling around to see who called me.

A man in a trenchcoat with blazing blue eyes is standing in front of me. A pang of warmth grows in my stomach.

"I prefer Cassie," I reply, "who are you?"

I gesture for him to sit on the bench with me.

"My name is Castiel," he explains. Sullenly, he twiddles his thumbs and watches the man with the kite. "I have been looking for you and I can't quite find you."

"Well, you've found me," I feel at peace and I'm not worried about who this man could be. He has a kind demeanor and I enjoy his company. "Castiel, where am I?"

Castiel sighs and runs his hand over the slight stubble on his chin.

"That's unimportant."

Knitting my brows together, I lean back and cross my legs, "Unimportant? Last I remember I was with two madmen. This place is pretty important if I'm away from them. Maybe not Sam...but Dean is a dick."

I ramble on and I find my mind wandering to the elder Winchester. What could he be doing?

{Dean's POV}

"Where the hell is she?!" I slam my fist against the wall and make a slight crack in the old wood. It has been three days and I expected her to be back. If she's hurt because I was a dick I don't know what I would do with myself.

"You made her run off, Dean!" Sam shouts at me, "You treat her like crap and she's over it. She passed the Djinns hideout somewhere down the road and she was probably captured, Dean!"

"For all we know she could be at a hospital right now, Sam!"

He's right, she could've been captured, but I don't want to think that way. She could be in the hospital, regaining her memory and forgetting all about me and Sammy and this big mess we called our lives.

"You know damn well we can't just hope for the best!" My little brother shouts and slams his fist down on the table. "That isn't the way our lives work, Dean!"

"Don't you think I know that, Sam?!" I shout as my already busted fist connects with the wall again. I don't want to think about this. She's a damn pain in my neck, but I want to know that she's okay. "But one thing is for damn sure, we can't just sit here and do absolutely nothing."

I grab my silver dagger and the bowl of lambs blood that we conjured up from a barn the night Cassie left. Slaughtering animals of such innocence was inconvenient, especially when they remind me of the girl. I don't know what her problem is, I try to be kind to her, but for some reason she infuriates me in the most romantically insane way.

{Cassie's POV}

I fiddle with the bottom of Deans sweatshirt as I listen to the man ramble on about things I couldn't care less about.

"Cassandra, are you even listening to me?" Castiel asks and tilts his head to the side.

I sigh and shake my head, "No, I'm sorry but I'm not very interested in any of this."

There's no need to lie to the man. He seems like he has no time to deal with my attitude and I feel bad for not paying attention. It's just so hard, what he is saying doesn't really have anything to do with me. I don't even believe heaven is real in the first place. Do I?

"Cassie," he tries to catch my attention again but I stand and stretch my short legs.

"Look, Castiel," I start, "I don't know where I am, and I just want to get my memory back. I don't know you and I'm sure you don't know me. I just want everything to go back to the way it was before my...accident, I guess. I doubt you understand what it's like to lose something you want back so grately."

His blue eyes fill with pain and a pang of regret washes over me like a tidal wave. I don't know of him, and I surely don't know what he's been through. I'm sure he's been through my situation at least once, someone like him who has plenty of knowledge and barely any people skills.

Castiel's eyes soften and he nods, "I'm sorry to bother you then, Cassandra. I will not make that mistake again."

As he walks off something in me yanks me forward, towards him. What?

"Castiel!" I shout and he ignores me. I want to listen now more than I had ever wanted anything else. But he's gone and the light from up above is fading.

Pain. I fall into the now dying grass screaming in agony. Everything hurts, everything is sore and it feels like all my nerve endings are on fire. I don't know what to do, as if I ever have but for once it would be nice to have an idea. My eyes flutter closed and I can hear distant voices calling my name.

Two distinct voices.

A/N: wow! 400 reads already. Thank you all so much. You have no idea how much I appreciate the time you take out of your day to read my little story. You all are so amazing. Don't forget to vote. I love you all and Carry On My Wayward Sons /Daughters!!

~Marie Xx

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