iii. an unlikely friend

Start from the beginning

"The Sorting Hat makes no mistakes, Victoria, it's important to remember, our family doesn't define who we are, but our choices and what we do to them. I think..."


"Argus, Argus, please." Dumbledore calmed the caretaker down, who had came in with the two Weasley twins. Victoria wondered if she was ever going to get a word out.

"It's the third time this week. These two have done it again!"

"You have no evidence!" The one on the left said, "Yeah, we're innocent until proven guilty." The other chimed in. "YOU'RE GUILTY!" Mr. Flinch yelled at them.

"Argus, is there any evidence that these two boys have done anything?" Dumbledore asked the caretaker calmly. "Well, no, but I know-"

"Well, then I'm afraid the boys are right. They're innocent until proven guilty. And if there's no evidence, it seems for now they're innocent."

"But, I know..."

"Boys you may go, oh and please take Victoria with you." He nodded to the three of them and they turned and left. Victoria wanted to say and argue more, but what Dumbledore said stuck with her.

"Our family doesn't define who we are, but our choices and what we do to them."

"Oi, you're Victoria Silvers, right?" One of the twins asked her as they were walking back. Victoria nodded, "Yeah."

"Nice, I'm Fred. And this here's my brother George." George looked at his brother with confusion. "Hi. I'm Victoria." Victoria greeted both of them.

"You're the one who sits at the end of the table right?" George asked her, Victoria nodded slowly. "Yeah. I don't really have that many friends, coming from my family."

"Hey, mind if I call you Tori? You know Tori, I'm a great friend." Fred told her quickly, slipping his arm in hers. Victoria looked down at his arm, visibly confused.

"I don't get it, why are you being so nice to me?" She stopped and turn towards him.

"Maybe I don't want to see you friendless." He grinned and began to march on, "Isn't that right, Georgie?"

Victoria didn't need to look at Fred's twin to know he was hesitant. But after a few seconds, he slips his arms through Victoria's other and marched along with them. "That's right Freddie."

The twins marched up to the fat lady with Victoria, cracking jokes along the way. Victoria smiled, but deep down she knew it wasn't going to last. They were just being nice, and this would fade over by tomorrow morning.

"Betelgeuse," George called, waltzing inside. "He's the weird one," Fred whispered, causing Victoria to giggle. "I heard that! And if anything, I'm the handsome own. I mean, look at my looks."

George proceeded to pose in random hero poses that cracked Victoria up more. "You know George, I think we should let our new friend Tori decide."

"I never agreed to that name." She told him with a smile.

"You never disagreed either. Now don't hide from the question!"

"Fred, George! Where have you two been? It's past curfew!" Both brothers had a look of resentment on their faces once they heard their brother call them.

"Percy, you're interrupting a very important conversation right now, so if you could just go away..." Fred began, but his older brother wasn't having it. "You haven't even finished your Transfiguration homework."

"I could help them," Victoria began, "I've got some skill."

Percy looked at her for the first time and quickly shook his head. "There's no need, Ms..."

"Tori," George replied, winking at her. "Ms. Tori, they've got to do it on their own. Now go," Percy pushed his brothers upstairs, who kept waving goodbye to her.

Victoria smiled and waved back, making her way up to her dorm room. She had reached the door when she noticed everyone was already inside. They stared at her as she entered, and Angelina was the only one to open her mouth.

"Hey, where were you? We were just wondering." She looked almost apologetic. "Oh, uh. I was just talking to Professor Dumbledore. I didn't mean to worry anyone."

"Well, you did." One of the girls, Victoria still didn't know her name, spoke up. "We can't afford to lose any house points because you felt like sneaking out."

"It wasn't like that, I promise." Victoria began, but the girl rolled her eyes and turned back to her paper. She began whispering with the other girl and Victoria sighed as she got ready for bed.

When she laid into her bed, the girl was asking her friend a question rather loudly. "What does Reparifarge do?" Victoria turned over, facing away from her before replying. "It undoes the transfiguration."

There was a quiet moment before she replied with a quiet, "Thanks."

The rest of the girls turned out their lights and fell asleep but Victoria couldn't. She stared at the ceiling, a smile plastered on her face. Tori. She liked that nickname.

It's happening!!They're so cute aw-

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It's happening!!
They're so cute aw-

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