Chapter 2: A Guardian's Sacrifice

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Chapter 2: A Guardian's Sacrifice

Luna walked closer to Pele. “What are you doing here?” Luna asked.

She was overwhelmed by the flames coming from Pele’s dress. She had a well-defined jaw, and pouty lips. Her hair shifted constantly to different colours of flame, while her body was fully coated with a black silk dress. She wore armour, complete with a shield and a sword.

‘I am here to give you a test,’ Pele said into Luna’s mind. She had a brave warrior’s voice with a hint of mother’s love.

“What kind of test?” Luna asked. The brightness of Pele’s figure did not blind Luna, even though she was standing very close to her.

‘A challenge that shall attest that you are worthy to be my guardian.’ Pele did not move a single muscle even though Luna changed position. She stood still, looking from the distance.

“What if I do not accept?” Luna asked.

You don’t have a choice, my dear Luna. You of all people possess bravery that only a true guardian will ever have.’

“What happens when I pass?” Luna asked.

You are guaranteed to enter the Elysian Fields, where you’ll find true happiness and peace together with your loved ones.’

Pele opened a tiny portal so Luna could see the Elysian Field. It was one of the most beautiful places Luna had ever seen, with white marble houses, fruit-bearing trees of every kind, and pools of clean, fresh water. Luna was so amazed that she caught herself staring at the majestic field with much delight.

“There’s my red knight!” Luna pointed at the man she had met in her dreams. Only this time, he wasn’t old, he was very youthful, and he was with two other people. His parents, maybe.

‘That is Johnny. He has served me well. He was loyal and faithful to his duty, and now he enjoys a great life of youth together with the ones he loves.’

“What if I fail your test?” Luna asked.

The portal disappeared. ‘You die a horrible death with no assurance of heaven,’ Pele said.

Luna was sad because she wanted to stare at the Elysian Fields all day long.

“So what is this test that you have prepared for me?” Pele stared at Luna’s room. Luna followed her eyes and immediately saw Valerie standing by the door. Her long, olive hair blocked the image of her face. She stood there in a zombie-like manner.

“Mom?!” Luna stared at her mom’s body. “What did you do to my mom?” Luna asked Pele, but she did not respond this time. She disappeared into the darkness and the room returned to its normal state, illuminated by the moon coming through the window.

Luna turned on the lights to see her mom properly. “Are you okay, mom?” Luna asked. Clearly, she was not. Her mom was just standing there without responding, with her hair hiding her face. Luna could hear her mom’s heavy breathing.

Valerie slowly turned her head up, revealing her face. It was not normal. Her eyes were purely black, and her skin was so pale that Luna could see the veins underneath. Her teeth were slightly sharpened and her facial expression showed a lot of anger. Her face scared Luna; it reminded her of the bogey man her dad used to scare her with.

Valerie raised her arms, like she was trying to give Luna a hug. “Come here, my Luna. Why don’t you give you mommy a hug?” Valerie’s voice had changed as well. Her once sweet tone had turned evil. She took small steps towards Luna. Luna stood still, trembling.

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