Chapter 13: Naturally

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Nel slowly turned, scared of what’s behind him. The whole room felt really hot for the God’s red aura came with its own heat wave. The shiny metal that was nailed in place by the red door was turning molten red and probably may turn to liquid if Ngendi was to stay there for a few more seconds.

Nel finally met the god behind him, it was clear that he was meant for the job for he neither sweat nor felt the heat just like Luna. The god Ngendi touched Nel’s forehead and slowly the god was sucked in his forehead while Nel froze with his eyes wide open unblinking and jaws dropped.

The moment the god’s last piece was sucked in Nel’s forehead, a huge gust of wind suddenly change the room temperature back to normal. Nel fell to the floor frozen with his eyes wide open. Luna recalled the day she last saw a god take over a body and it wasn’t this dramatic.

“Is he dead?” was Martha’s first question. It was hard to identify if he was but thankfully his jaws slowly opened about to uttered a word but he never did, he produced sounds grasping for air and his fingers twitched dramatically.

Luna ran up to him and checked what was going on, “What’s wrong with him?” she asked then held his arms when he started to shake intensely as if he was having a seizure, Charlie ran outside to fetch a nurse or a doctor.

Martha and Bobby came to Nel and held his arms and feet as well. “What shall we do?” Martha asked. Nel stopped shaking and his eyes closed and so did his mouth. Even though he was partly alright, everyone inside the clinic was still on rampage about his case.

Nel heard everyone and yet it seemed that it’s the only sense that was working at the moment, he didn’t feel nor saw anyone, it was just pure darkness in his vision although tiny spots twinkling at a distance started to appear, stars Nel have thought. His visions finally started to return but he was still in a dark void filled with stars.

“Nehel,” a voice called out, a hush whisper that was so clear, whoever said it felt like was standing in front of him.

“Nehel,” there it was again. It sounded like honey and milk flowing through his ears, it was sweet and passionate. “Nehel,” he finally saw who said it. It was Cheveyo standing at a distance. She appeared to be like the last time he saw her, the day he ran away from the madness of the host family together with his brother Macha. The company found them in pursuit to find the host of Ngendi but they never revealed were they lived.

They were only fifteen and twelve respectively when they decided to run away. In that day, his grandfather Badayo was very ill and he was instructed that the god Ngendi will have to acquire his body to be the next host. Fifteen year old Nehel wasn’t thrilled with the idea, instead he was horrified. He’d seen the horrors of the responsibility; his grandfather was a sole target when he was growing up. A lot of men from the army of Velez were trying to kill the host and the god Ngendi with it but he was far too powerful and a veteran of war. Ngendi was one of the candidates to become the champion of fire but he was to humble to take it even though he was surely qualified than Pele. Ngendi’s strength and power over fire was far too immense than what Pele has and ever will be that was why he was chosen to be the fire guardian’s guide as a job.

Nehel didn’t want the responsibility and the disadvantage with it even though controlling fire was a cool idea for him. His brother Macha surprisingly became a host of Geb at the age of nineteen but like the host of Geb Bobby and Nel encountered, he became unpredictable driven mad to work without the company. He ran away without a trace only a month after being imprinted by his guide. The reason was still unknown. Nehel’s theory was he died during the 9/11 terrorist attack where Martha and Johnny was on his trail. He never saw his brother for nineteen years until now that he was standing with his mom and his grandfather Badayo who looked wrinkled just like the last time he saw him.

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