Chapter 23: Pip and Pat or Pat and Pip

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Chapter 23: Pip and Pat or Pat and Pip

“Aaron!” Somebody from behind shouted out, it was Isabelle who wore black sweat pants and white t-shirts that rushed to the crowd.

“Where’s the medic!” she frantically asked and knelt down next to the boy. “Who is he?” Isabelle asked to whom Luna assumed to be Aaron. The man looked very restless and starved. Cheekbones defined his face but he was still pretty medium built.

The boy’s head was shaved but his hair color of blonde was still fairly seen, pale blue eyes stared over Isabelle as the blood gushed down from the boy’s abdomen and some even came out of his mouth. Part of Luna knew the boy wasn’t going to make it, but a large part of her knew there was hope.

“I don’t know,” Aaron said and huddled over the twins who watched at the side as the boy went to a mini stroke, whispering something as his eye lids slowly closed.

“What is it?” Isabelle went closer to his face.

The boy tried to utter some words but the blood on his mouth prevented him to until he was able to produce sounds that resembled words. “Find my sister,” he said in a hush voice, “tell her I love her.” His eyes drifted away but there was still a faint heartbeat that came from his wrist.

“Who’s Aaron?” Luna asked Charlie who was as mortified as she was.

Volturnus’ chosen guardian, really hard headed but with a very good heart.” He explained as Luna gazed over his eyes. He was definitely a guardian, there was a certain flare only a guardian can possess and Aaron surely possessed one.

“Everybody move aside, there’s nothing to see here!” Bobby shouted over a megaphone and a few people did go back to their rooms but the majority was still watching, waiting on what was bound to happen next as the medic made their way and examined the patient. “Damn it people, everybody go to your rooms! That’s an order.” Bobby angrily said.

People then walked away from the scene as they noticed the tone of authority in Bobby’s voice. Luna was about to walk away when Bobby asked him to stay together with Charlie.

“I thought you were only about to bring one prisoner out, why are there three?” Bobby asked in a displeased manner.

Aaron sighed in disbelief that what her did was supposed to be a bad thing. “Look, they told me to retrieve a prisoner, but I don’t know who. There were three of them in there, and they wouldn’t be prisoners if they weren’t damn important.” He said panting and lay on the floor. “I’m tired okay, don’t get on my nerves,” he warned.

“May I remind you, that I’m still in charge here, you don’t talk like that on my face!” Bobby said. His face turned red with the disrespect he received. Aaron looked very pleased with the long grin on his face.

“Dad!” Isabelle screamed out. “Just stop will you, both of you,”

Bobby looked down on Aaron who already had his eyes closed, half asleep. Bobby didn’t care anymore and went to the medics who were rushing on getting the foreign object out of the boy’s body. “Status?” he asked.

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