Chapter 4: The Origins

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Chapter 4: The Origins

Luna looked around her, “At the beginning? But where exactly?” Luna asked Bodaway. She let go of Bodaway’s arm to try and feel her surroundings, she tried to feel the empty space but there was nothing in there.

“In the beginning there was only chaos. Then out of the void appeared Erebus, the unknowable place where death dwells, and Night. All else was empty, silent, endless, darkness.” Bodaway raised his arms to show Luna the endless darkness.

Bodaway pointed at the man being conceived, “Then somehow Love was born bringing a start of order.” Bodaway explained.

“That’s love?” Luna asked, she didn’t understand how love could be alive.

“He is someone who represents love,” love quickly disappeared. Its body vanished from thin air and Luna looked all around her to figure out where Love is.

Bodaway continued with his story, “From Love came Light and Day,” light finally appeared from nowhere, Luna shaded her eyes from the extreme brightness it had caused, the light was so refreshing and wonderful that Luna became peaceful, “once there was Light and Day, Gaea, the earth appeared,” from the distance Luna could see a huge ball of gas and lava of some sort. Everything was on fast forward, the ball rotated and it changed rapidly, from ball of lava to charcoaled color.

“Then Erebus slept with Night, who gave birth to Ether, the heavenly light, and to Day the earthly light. Then Night alone produced Doom, Fate, Death, Sleep, Dreams, Nemesis, and others that come to man out of darkness,” a huge chill of wind passed through Luna, she started to shiver but Bodaway held her closely to give her some warmth.

“Are they those?” Luna pointed out to ghostly figures which roam around earth, they were huge, at least half of earth itself, they circle the earth, Luna was terrified, they were really scary, with hallow eyes and fading skin.

“Yes those are them.” Bodaway pointed out who was who, the one who was powdery black with red hallow eyes and sharp horns was Doom. Another black creature who was smaller than Doom with no facial features was Fate. A shadow figure was Death. A huge giant with white skin that sparkled was Sleep. A golden creature with four legs was Dreams, and a monster with sharp fangs, long hair with black and red skin was Nemesis. They made Luna scared, even Sleep and Dreams.

“Meanwhile Gaea alone gave birth to Uranus, the heavens.” Bodaway pointed to the heavens, stars started to appear they twinkled and sparkled like little diamonds in the sky, “Uranus became Gaea's mate covering her on all sides. Together they produced the three Cyclopes, the three Hecatoncheires, and twelve Titans.” Bodaway and Luna flew to earth to see the three Hecatoncheires and the 12 titans, they were all huge in their own form, taller than the empire state building by Luna’s comparison, but the giants were larger and they were fat, ugly, with only robes to cover themselves.

“However, Uranus was a bad father and husband. He hated the Hecatoncheires. He imprisoned them by pushing them into the hidden places of the earth, Gaea's womb. This angered Gaea and she plotted against Uranus,” the Hecatoncheires suddenly fell in a deep trench, they tried to hold on but the force of gravity pulled them downwards imprisoning them. Luna felt sorry for them even though they look very scary.

Flames engulfed Luna and Bodaway, they were transported in a very dark cave with a huge man sleeping by a rock, “Gaea made a flint sickle and tried to get her children to attack Uranus. All were too afraid except, the youngest Titan, Cronus.” Luna saw a young man with a weapon of some sort in his hand, she assumed it was Cronus.

“Gaea and Cronus set up an ambush of Uranus as he lay with Gaea at night. Cronus grabbed his father and castrated him, with the stone sickle, throwing the severed genitals into the ocean. The fate of Uranus is not clear. He either withdrew from the earth, or exiled himself to Italy. As he departed he promised that Cronus and the Titans would be punished. From his spilt blood came the Giants, the Ash Tree Nymphs, and the Erinnyes. From the sea foam where his genitals fell came Aphrodite,” a very beautiful woman appeared out of foam, with perfect skin, hair and body. She was more beautiful than anyone Luna had seen, and she has seen a lot.

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