Chapter 8: History Lesson

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Chapter 8: History Lesson

“Why are you following us,” Luna said, Ethan made a baffled look at Luna who looked insane. Ethan was trusting but Luna clearly wasn’t.

“Luna can’t you give the girl a chance,” Ethan finally said. He walked over to Martha and gave him a warm welcome on behalf of Luna. Martha was actually very generous and in high spirits. She took Ethan’s hand as if they were lost friends. Luna just stood there with the photo on her arm staring at both of them.

“And you are?” Martha asked. Her breath smelled like fresh mint and other good stuff. With her long black dress and coat on, her hair was noticeably died black and her makeup was finely made. Ethan was wondering where the party could be or was this standard uniform since his two body guards were also wearing fancy suits.

“Ethan,” he introduced himself. Martha turned Ethan’s right hand revealing his wrist. She instantly saw the mark of a guardian-a circle with a symbol that resembled the waves of the ocean.

“Guardian of Volturnus?” Martha asked, she seemed a little peppy at the moment to find two guardians at once.

“No, retired.” Ethan said with a distinct hint of sadness in his voice. He still smiled as if being left by a god was nothing.

“Retired? Can you do that?” Martha asked. She noticed that she was still holding Ethan’s hand and later removed for it was an awkward long time for them to be holding hands.

“Apparently yes, all you need is a broken leg and next thing you know, you’re in Hawaii were the god will give you to fire guardians,” Ethan said. Martha didn’t know if to believe the story or not so she just smiled and locked her eyes on Luna.

“Luna, we have a rough beginning but I hope this is a proper invitation,” Martha said. She walked forward and counted her steps silently – Luna noticed. Martha fixed her hair first before she started a conversation.

“We are a company”-Luna had to stop Martha from talking. Apparently she didn’t trust her yet, especially when she just appeared out of nowhere.

“Prove it,” Luna said. She had a determined and yet scared look on her. Her family portrait was stuck firmly between her hands not ready to let go.

“Okay, publically or privately?” Martha asked. She smiled as if she was accepting a challenge. Luna liked the feistiness of Martha, she was starting to like her but her trust was yet untouched.

“Privately if you may,” Luna said.

Martha looked behind her and smiled. “This might take a while, go on without me.” She ordered. She then looked over Luna and took her hands. All Luna remembered was a wicked smile from Martha then a whirlwind came sweeping them away.

Luna felt like she was being sucked through a straw. The whirlwind was enough for her to prove that Martha was something but a friend or foe was different. A few more nauseating seconds later, they were somewhere where Luna only saw the clouds below her. It reminded her of the skyscrapers of Dubai that she saw on pictures, but her location was rocky and mossy.

“Where are we!” Luna said in terror, she didn’t dare look below for it was too far deep for her eyes to take. She sat in on the floor and tried to secure her family portrait in her hands.

“Better keep that thing on your bag,” Martha ordered, “you might lose it.” Luna opened her bag and placed the picture inside it. She didn’t dare stand up for they were in the edge of a cliff.

“This is my favorite place on Earth, Mt. Roraima, somewhere in Venezuela. Isn’t in it nice?” Martha said and walked at the edge of the cliff. She walked carelessly as if falling in thousands of feet wasn’t a problem at all. Luna found herself scared not for herself but for Martha.

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