Chapter 18: Red Haired Twins

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Chapter 18: Red Haired Twins

“Aaaah!” the screaming went again this time louder as if struggling to get free. The noise came from down the building, right where they parked.

“Isabelle?” Luna called out as she placed on one of the inn’s complementary slippers and walked towards the wide window. Isabelle was standing on the balcony looking at the parking lot and thankfully not hurt.

The door needed extra effort before it was opened as the doorknob was rusty and probably needed oiling. Luna inspected her hands and th rusty brown color had stuck into her hands.

“Isabelle?” Luna tapped her shoulder with little force. She turned around wearing her sunglasses as the sun made her face shine. She was chewing on gum and offered some to Luna who refused to take some.

“What’s happening down there?” Luna asked looking downstairs on which the commotion seemed to have ended already. The cement pavement was dry and no sign of a killing happening which crossed out Luna’s first assumption.

“A lady tripped over as she went to her room,” Isabelle looked at Luna, “funny as hell,” she kept on chewing her gum and didn’t had the slight trace of being amused.

Luna looked down and searched for the place where the lady might have tripped, if she did tripped, it might had been one big fall that made her scream so loudly that it woke someone up.

“You really must be a complicated person,” Luna thought of out loud. The day was fine with the sun so high and some clouds to give them temporary shade which gave Luna the smiles.

Isabelle took her gum and sticks it below the metal railings. “Better get ready, Lunch time is near.”

Shower wasn’t exciting, the soap that the inn had wasn’t bubbly enough and the tiny bit of shampoo they gave them didn’t even cover the whole mass of Luna’s hair, and on top of that, the lights were flickering every time the water was in used, the only good thing was the towel which were very absorbent and not one of those one time uses where you only wiped once and it seemed that it was drowned already.

After the short shower Luna took, Isabelle’s luggage was wide open for Luna to browse by. Even though it didn’t look like it, Isabelle had some girly clothes on; flower patterns, pink top, short shorts and a lot of violet that might have been her favorite color. Isabelle brought a lot of clothes even though they might only be staying for a couple of nights.

Isabelle wasn’t on the room so Luna just took the plainest looking white shirt she got her hands on. The recycled military pants looked good but not that great with it. With a few more brushes, she was ready to go.

“Isabelle?” Luna called out when she exit the room. She was nowhere in sight.

Martha, Nel and Bobby’s room were locked and no one answered when she knocked on the door.  The car seemed to have left without her, there were neither a note nor a reminder that she was left behind. Luna was completely displeased about it.

The railings were cold when it was last left there since Luna’s shower. The afternoon was slow, the inn was almost deserted as only a few cars were parked and no cars drove by. Luna frowned a little and just looked down.

A door from the first floor opened with so much force that it slammed to the wall making a breaking sound, then a boy and a girl started running to the back parking lot. Luna tried to follow with her eyes but the wall covered her vision.

Luna climbed down the stairs and looked at what the commotion was all about, the two were panting on the ground as they kneeled. It was a very confusing scene but Luna thought to mind her own business and climbed up the stairs.

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