Chapter 27: Isabelle Meets Another of Her Kind

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Chapter 27: Isabelle Meets Another of Her Kind

Isabelle took off really early, a day early, just right after their meeting she was back in the road. Tin-tin and the earth guardian both have people that came in with them, they’ll only blew they’re cover if Isabelle went with them. The travel took her another few hours before finding herself back in New York. She already sensed that her sudden disappearance caused a stir in the Company as people she worked with before loitered the streets in their casual wears but looked really suspicious with their sunglasses on.

Isabelle rented a room five blocks away from the Company’s building. It was cozy and warm in her suite but it didn’t matter. She didn’t sleep nor lay down to relax. She took a chair, facing it to the direction of the door; she sat on holding a gun for protection. She wasn’t planning on killing anybody, just to use it for intimidation.

The suite did have some sentimental values in it. It was the only place where Isabelle would go when she wanted peace in her mind, only Jessica knew about it. Isabelle would go here at least twice a month without anybody knowing, not even her father, but she didn’t know how well his father was snooping on her. She was still rattled about the security cameras and how were they turned on without her permission. It’s hard to trust, not even family.

By afternoon nobody came in except for room service which gave her Caesar salad and a small slice of apple pie just for dessert. Her lunch time was her only time of peace and serenity where she didn’t think of anything at all, but her gun stayed close to her just in case something came out of the blue.

“Hello,” a female voice said as she knocked on the door which placed Isabelle’s consciousness back again. She didn’t know how long she stared at an empty space while her fork was stuck on the pie.

“Isabelle?” this time a male voice talked through the doors. Isabelle held in her gun and very slowly and carefully get up the bed, without making any sounds and walked towards the door where she peeked through the peep hole. Isabelle felt relieved, it was Jessica and Hugh. Confused, Isabelle opened the door and pulled the two in then closing the door the instant that they were in.

“How did you find me? Are you followed? What the hell?” Isabelle asked all the questions.

“I figured you’ll be here. But it’s not like you to disappear and not go to training. Something’s up and we want to know what.” Jessica demanded.

Isabelle sighed angrily and rolled her eyes. “Just go, will you. It’s none of your business.” She pushed the two away and outside her door. The two didn’t fight to get in, just really confused. “I can’t tell anything right now. But you have to trust me, the less you know, the better.” Isabelle said through the door and waited for a response.

“We respect your decision, just be safe alright.” Hugh said. They’re footsteps, maybe soft  but it was well heard from Isabelle’s place. She sat leaning towards the door and think about what they were doing.

“Focus,” she said to herself. “This is what’s right.”

The next day wasn’t as interesting as well although Isabelle was calmer figuring that nobody will go for her. Night time came and there were no attacks from either the Missans or the Company’s men. Isabelle was getting impatient; the guardian said he will give Isabelle a call, she was really drowsy, doubts started lingering in her thoughts what if they didn’t come or something happened to them. She’s hoping not.

Few more hours and the phone rang. Isabelle let it rang for two times before answering it. “Hello?”

It was somebody’s breathing that answered her, freaky and disturbing at the same time. “We’re on our way,” then the person hang up which left Isabelle wondering but she was precisely sure that it was the guardian that called her.

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