Chapter 34: The Host of Poseidon in Action

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Chapter 34: The Host of Poseidon in Action

Isabelle was really getting on the mood for killing but her muscles were really getting heavy, she didn’t warm up at all. She just went on the battle which really worried her. The samurai was light but after a while it felt like she was holding a frying pan with fried chicken cooking inside. Isabelle watched Ave, she wasn’t using a gun or doing her telekinesis thing, but instead she was lifting up a Missan up in mid-air, she was supposed to kill as many as she could but she was focused on this one guy.

Isabelle was somehow pissed, Ave was dragging the man he lifted up in mid-air and dragged him back to the hospital. Was she going cuckoo? Isabelle shook the thought and focused on fighting.

Ara finally had the guts to show herself to the battle. The black silk dress didn’t affect her battle moves as one by one, Charlies were thrown from her path and crashing with great impact that caused them to dissolve in thin air.

Ave saw that Finn was about to make a move from Ara’s behind. Sprinting with great speed, Finn positioned his hands ready to strike but even before contact, Ara’s hand quickly caught Finn’s hand in just split seconds without even looking behind. Bones almost cracked from Ara’s grip on Finn’s fist. Without turning around, Ara morphed so her face would face Finn’s. He lost his balance in shock of what he saw, Ara smiled and sent Finn flying.

Isabelle was too busy slicing off his enemies that she didn’t see what happened. She only turned around when he heard Finn’s voice pierced through the night.

“No!” Ave screamed from the top of her lungs and found herself running towards Ara. Cement started to crack with every step Ave took as her anger fueled her psychic abilities, her fist was the center of her strength as she was ready to give Ara one big blow.

“Die,” Ave said but just like Finn, her fist was quickly caught without Ara even shedding a sweat. The psychic focus of Ave backfired that gave her a momentarily paralyzed state.

“You insolent fool,” Ara said, “die yourself.”

Ave felt that her fist was shaking from Ara’s rage, just like a canon ball, Ave was shot up in the air, higher than Finn, so high that Ave saw the rooftop of the hospital miles away. There were strands of clouds like white puffs of cotton candy on her reach. Acceleration was so high that Ave felt the cold air rushing inside of her clothes slicing her like blade.

It was a cemented road that Ave had crash landed on, bones were broken and blood splattered all over the place and yet Ave had one tiny beat from her heart that kept her going. Seconds passed by when bones started to mend themselves, correcting the dislocated and patched up the shattered. The healing process was faster than usual and yet Ave only lay there lifeless as if in a state of shock.

From afar, headlights blinded Ave’s vision which awakened her senses and yet still lay motionless on the cold ground. Three honks were all it took before the driver stepped out of her vehicle and decided to approach Ave.

“Miss, are you okay?” Jessica said. She was in total panic mode, she heard a lot of gunshots and cannons from the hospital’s direction. It was easy to hear since it was the only thing that you can hear from the night except from the rumbles of thunder far ahead.

Jessica was alarmed with the great amount of blood that lurked the road. “Oh my, we need to get you to a hospital,” she said but had to rethink it, “no, not the hospital.”

Ave sat up when she hear the word hospital for the second time. “I have to go back there,” she said blankly and weakly.

Jessica helped Ave up to her feet, getting her hands wet with blood. “No, it’s far too dangerous out there, believe me, there’s guns and fighting going on.”

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