Chapter 5: Mermaids or Urdines

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Chapter 5: Mermaids or Urdines

“There’s too many of them, we can’t take them all.” Luna said as she watched the men moved in closer.

Cheveyo’s eyes were focused on the logs where the campfire was built. “I think we can take them.”Chevayo said calmly, she raised her hands and fire sprout out of the logs.

“Cheveyo, do you know what you are doing?” Luna tried to make fire out of her own palms but nothing came out of it.

“I think I know what I’m doing,” she raised her hands more and the fire grew bigger, “I know fire like you know your ABC’s,” the men sprint in closer. Luna hid behind Cheveyo and covered her eyes.

Cheveyo breathed in and punches an imaginary person in front of her, the fire grew very large and went crashing in the men, Luna heard screaming but when Cheveyo extinguishes the fire, none of the men were there anymore; all that was left are burnt grass.

“How did you do that?” Luna asked. She took Cheveyo’s hands and examined them trying to look if there was something in them.

Cheveyo pats Luna’s head and walks toward the man who had fallen from the skies, “I was conceived under the influence of Ngendi, so basically, I myself am a fire starter.” She kneeled and took a good look at the man.

Luna checked the man’s mouth, “He’s still breathing,” she took his hands and checked for a pulse and even though she had no idea what she was doing, she was trying.

“What is that?” Cheveyo noticed something odd on the man’s arm, right where Luna was checking his pulse. “That’s a mark of a guardian.” Cheveyo took his arms and examined them more carefully, a black tattoo of a circle with patterns that resembles the waves of the ocean.

“He’s a guardian?” Luna asked.

“He is. This is the mark of water, a guardian of Volturnus, I don’t know about the authenticity of it but it seems genuine.” Cheveyo touched the tattoo on the man’s hand, “It’s not manmade clearly, you can see once you touched it, clearly imprinted by Proteus.” Cheveyo said.

“Why would Proteus imprint this on him?” Luna said.

“Proteus is prophetic old sea god, he is the equivalent of Ngendi in the water element, he trains the guardians after Volturnus became the champion of water.” Cheveyo looked at the forest with fear, “There might be more coming. Hold on to something my child.”

Cheveyo touched the ground and recited a chant, the grass started to burn, then the house extending to where the border of the trees would stop. Fire engulfed the whole place, Luna understood what Cheveyo was doing, she was transporting everything, including the house. Luna hugged the man who fell, he groaned when Luna placed pressure on his chest.

The man’s hands were shaking with terror when he saw the fire. “It’s going to be okay mister, I promise.” he groans more and holds Luna’s hands. Cheveyo looked much focused and hadn’t stopped chanting yet. She was right about something, more men did come but they cannot enter the fire Cheveyo had created. A few seconds later, the forest disappeared and was replaced by bright colors of the fire.

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