Chapter 11: Badass Grandpa

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Chapter 11: Badass Grandpa

Luna removed the bullhorn off her face and curled up voluntarily. Ten years of training under Cheveyo made waking up at 4 a.m. in the morning a pretty normal routine. She climbed down and looked at herself by a nearby mirror that was hanged on the wall.

Isabelle was wearing military pants that were dyed black and a black fitted shirt with The Company logo imprinted at the right sleeve; a greyhound’s head shrouded with rays of the suns. A strange fit for an animal to place in a logo but Luna no longer question the choice of whoever thought of it.

“Twenty minutes, clothes at my bed, toothbrush and other stuff at the bathroom. I’ll be waiting outside,” Isabelle said not paying attention totally to Luna, everything that she said seemed to be her normal routine. She exited the room while inspecting her nails.

Luna went to the bathroom and washed her face with a damp towel and some soap that was given. She brushed her teeth, combed her hair and tied it with a piece of ribbon that she had been keeping in her bag.

It was black.


Black was the favorite color of The Company, the suit identical to Isabelle that was given to Luna was very tacky, but black did suit her skin tone and it’s fitted look complemented her amazing curves which took her training and proper diet which she got from isolation.

Luna took her bag with her before exiting the room, she noticed something that made it pretty heavy for a small purse. It was her parent’s picture back when she was still kid, she smiled and placed it under her pillow. She had one last look before exiting the room.

“Eighteen minutes, pretty impressive.” Isabelle said with a cup of coffee in each hand. “Want one?” she offered.

Luna took the coffee whole heartedly and had a sip out of it, it was hot that it could burn her tongue but she didn’t mind for it was ordinary to get burned. “Thanks,” she said and walked with Isabelle in the empty hallway. The core was very creepy when the lights were off and the huge portrait of King Henry VII staring at you wherever you go.

They entered an elevator just by the North wing and Isabelle pressed number 8 but instead of going up, the elevator started to descend. The short trip was filled with corny elevator music and silence. The doors opened and it revealed a slightly crowded place with at least twenty agents shooting with guns or rock climbing by a steep recreational wall.

They met Charlie at the center of the shooting range already pumped with a sub-machine gun on his hand and safety glasses for protection. He wore the same military jeans but wore a white t-shirt that made him stand out of the crowd. His muscular biceps were better presented in his t-shirt than the tuxedo he wore before and his four pack abs was also hard to miss if you were to meet him person.

“I see you didn’t have trouble waking this one up,” Charlie remarked and placed the sub-machine gun down on the table before them. He took the goggles off revealing his bright emerald colored eye.

“It took the fun out of new recruits,” Isabelle said and chuckled her humorless laugh. They waited for other trainees to come but in the mean time the three of them had a nice breakfast down by the snack bar, they had nothing heavy but something light like bread and some more coffee.

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