Chapter 37: Left with Nothing to Say

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Chapter 37: Left with Nothing to Say

“We need to go help them,” Ave stood up after her hip had finally been repaired. For a quick minute, she turned wobbly with a slight headache that caused her to fall from the ground. Battle cries and deaths still circulated the area with a distinct foul stench of blood arousing from outside.

Trip struggled with his foot as the ache was still unbearable. Part of the bandages that was wrapped around it was soaked with red oozing blood. Tears were never his thing but for a moment without anesthesia, he had considered while holding it back. “Get me a wheelchair,” he whimpered out while trying not to move his foot.

Ave nodded and ran out to the door without hesitation. There were rumbling, doors opening and even glass breaking before Ave returned four minutes later with a steel wheelchair that looked fairly brand new except for the skid marks.

“Can you stand?” Ave said.

“No,” he groaned with pain.

“We’ll work something out,” Ave carefully levitated Trip without trying to hurt him which was impossible to do, he sniveled and twitched even though the levitating process was slowly on progress. After a lot of cries in pain, Trip was finally seated comfortably on the wheelchair.

They took the elevator even though the lights flickered inside. An elevator song was still surprisingly on play on their descent which somehow loosened the tension. The elevators opened and the gunshots and violent sounds of chainsaws were louder in the ground floor.

Reno and Finn were still knocked down although Finn seemed to be slowly moving, meeting his conscious again. Ave left Trip for a minute at the same room and ran outside where finally the gods were on their side. The men from the Core seemed to be winning when no new Missans came in to play but the number of deaths were devastating as well; there were more than twenty that Ave counted and the injured lay on the ruins of the fallen entrance. Those who were still alive where exhausted and seemed to be slowing down. Weapons were scarce as they became resourceful and took every last piece of instrument they can use to kill their enemies.

Thunders were still rolling in but no storms appeared even though the skies were heavily tinted. Reno was on a middle of a blackout and yet another man seemed to have control with the phenomenon. On the middle, far away from host of Poseidon was a scrawny man who looked old enough to retire in a few years with a suit that was torn and dashed with blood. He was gently controlling the lightning to different parts of the area that electrified the Missans in an ambush way. His face wasn’t clear just yet for he was far from Ave but something about him was very familiar to her.

Luna wasn’t going to be late for the battle she had on orange and red flames that shot rays of fire on her enemies was on the other side of the battlefield. Show stopper was what she is; her clothes didn’t even burn nor sizzle even under total inferno heat.

The whole cemented floor of the parking lot was filled with cracks and soaked with water and blood. Ave joined in giving out extreme psychic abilities of invisible barriers that toppled down on her enemies. Isabelle was nowhere to be found which made Ave worry.

The Missans seemed to had cease in number as those who tried to attack just ran off to different directions and that’s when the men in tuxedos Bobby declared their victory with shouts and rests on the cold wet floor. The first thing Ave saw from the crowd was the scrawny retiring man who Bobby staring at host of Poseidon who stopped what he was doing  and stood perfectly still while his eyes started to dim.

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