Our Farewell

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20th December 2017

How could this happen?
That was the question the boys of the BTS band kept asking themselves in that waiting room.

How could this happen?
Again, again and again, they asked someone, something, anything that could give them an answer.

This was not how they wanted to end the year, this was not what they wanted for Christmas. Not like that, with their faith harshly tested, their trust damaged and hurt, anxiety and fear over the roof. Anger soon or later joined the other emotions and the boys felt they were not able to hold back much longer, they had to vent out or they would break.

This was the most critical moment for the band, split in half like never before. One side was angry and hurt, the other one was more compassionate and willing to sort things out with patience.Unfortunately, such contrasting opinions led the boys to have bad arguments.

In the middle of the night, Y/n and her little brother were attacked by her pursuers. The girl sacrificed herself to let the younger escape and call for help, but the boy, too scared to lose her sister, he headed to BTS' dormitory and screamed at the top of his lungs to wake them up.
Yoongi and Jungkook, who went out to eat together, saw Lorenzo slamming his fists against the door of the dormitory, crying, begging and yelling like a crazy guy, and the idols rushed to his side to ask what happened. Aware of the situation, the idols called the police and took a taxi to go back and save their manager before it was too late.

Once there, they saw the girl on the snowy ground, tied up and beaten up, but the pursuers were still discussing if killing her off there or let the weather do its job.
When the girl saw the boys, she panicked and tried to stand up to cover them up once more and let them flee elsewhere. Jungkook jumped into the fight and tried his very best to help the woman, but when a gun was pointed at his head, he had to stop to rethink at his future actions.

Everything escalated too quickly, the hitmen threw the manager into the frozen lake and shot her. The idols thought to buy time until the police arrived, but Lorenzo panicked out of the blue returning to yell and beg Jungkook to pull the girl out because her conditions were too serious to allow her to dtay inside those cold waters. The sirens scared the hitmen off, and the maknae wasted no time to jump into the lake and break the ice to swim back to the shore with girl in his arms. And that was when he went into full panic mode. Y/n was unconscious, her heartbeat was barely there, she was literally dying inside Jeon's arms and the boy didn't know what to do to slow down the process if not wrapping her into his coat and hoodie to keep her warm.

While lorenzo, Jungkook and Y/n went to the hospital with an air ambulance,Yoongi rushed to the dormitory and woke his teammates up. Even if he tried to stay calm with the doctor's words still rang in his head, the others saw that Min Yoongi was freaking out.
When they heard the words "Y/n might not make it", the idols felt their soul leaving their bodies, tears clouded their sight during their way to the hospital.

How could this happen?

They knew soon or later those guys would have kept their word, but they forgot about them with the happy and fantastic events they experienced throughout the year. They went in Dubai, visited it with their crush and manager, they found out who Yule is, a few of them found out who Y/n was and their feelings for her grew stronger, they could collaborate with Eira in a musical project, the graduations, the traveling and meeting Y/n's fantastic friends.
Everything was so solar that the hardship of the tour and their job couldn't ruin their happiness at all, for their manager was always by their side and shooed away the littlest doubt or darkness before their path.

BigHit's CEO rushed to the building as well to see if Jungkook and Yoongi were injured, but Namjoon and Seokjin used the chance to pressure the man about the situation; and they found out the truth. The ones who knew confessed and added that there was no point of telling how things were since it was not related to their job, but Namjoon was not having any of those excuses.

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