Love Yourself

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3rd person's POV

After the chaos is settled, the host approaches the stars and gulps for their bodies. Avoiding to space out one more time, he quickly starts a conversation with Eira first, but the girl furrows her brows with a quizzical face. Yule translates the question, a few words were unknown to her.

"Oh, no the feedback I talk about in 'Feedback' is not about opinion or criticism, I talk about the loudspeaker noise. I wanted people to understand or least notice, that they can break expectations just with a louder noise, which is their voice, so please use your voice to speak up for yourself or others."

"Admiring. You always give a reason to fight for yourself."

"Of course. Since the very beginning, our most loud message for our fans and people out in the world is to love themselves. Love yourself, be clear on how you want to be treated, be enough for yourself first, the rest of the world can wait. It's okay to make mistakes and it's ok to not be good at everything, I want to give a huge shout out to all the people out there trying to love themselves in a world that's constantly telling them not to. Please, don't give up on yourself, you're a wonderful person and most of all, you are worthy of love."

"We always said to our fans at concerts, be yourself today, you look beautiful like that." adds Yule with a smile, he knows what it means hating himself to the point of destruction. But he won and now he loves how particular his appeal is. "Being beautiful means being yourself. You don't need to be accepted by others, you need to accept yourself. Self-love is a celebration of your own unique essence, so please don't trade it for the approbation of others. Become mindful, people who have more self-love tend to know what they think, feel and want."

Another applause welcomes the stars' meaningful words. The MC is surprised to hear such deep things,so he asks politely how old are they, being shocked when he hears that both are 20 years old. They are so mature for 20 years old persons...

"Before talking a bit about your new album, I heard that you will not be able to attend the whole event. May I ask why?"

"We're working on a few projects."

"New songs already?"

"We have a bunch of diss tracks in our sleeves, we need to record a MV to make them ours." says Yule with a smug face, his ego feed by the fans' screams. "Our lovely fans know us, we are caring, kind and patient, but if we make diss tracks, we're about to spit fire, so get ready to watch someone being roasted."

"Rock, pop, rap, which genre?"

"For a mind-blowing roast, rap is the best."

"A little peek? I think many will love it." the host turns over the audience and the fans catch the hint, starting fangirling and screaming for the artists to let them hear a little bit of those songs in their sleeves.

"I'm sorry but we have in mind a few collaborations for these, so we'll keep the secret." talks Yule to Eira who nods to his words. "We'll do our best to release them as soon as possible." he blows a kiss to the fans to make up for not leaking the tracks.

"What a shame. Down to business, your new album 'Anthem of Wonders' is breaking records and fans who couldn't attend today asked a few questions about the titles. Is that ok for you to talk about them?" the two nod and the host pulls out a few papers. "The most ranked tracks are, 'In The Middle of The Night', 'Lyrical Poetry', 'Rise' and 'Simulacrum'." he looks at the stars and smiles. "I'm quite curious about all of them, but 'Simulacrum' is the most intriguing one. You two decided to sing the same song but adapting it in two different ways, one for Abraxas-nim and one for Eira-nim. What this song talks about?"

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