Voice pt. 2

150 8 12

3rd person's POV

It's like the Korean idols had amnesia and didn't know themselves at all. For example, Namjoon didn't know that he's in Taehyung's same category, and Jeon didn't notice all of those things about his own voice.

"He isn't the golden maknae for nothing."

"OOH!" when the female manager smirked praising the boy, the band jumps yelling and ruffling Jungkook's hair hardily, proud of him.

"Jin has such a particular voice, I can't catalogize him precisely."

"Shut up! She's talking about me!" Seokjin hushes everyone and focuses his senses on Y/n and her future words.

"Jin is unmistakably a natural tenor, but more specifically, his natural tenor timbre resonates best in a '2nd tenor' where his 'tenor tessitura' range lies between bass and counter tenor. To put it simply for you, the area of his voice where he has the most notable power and control lies in the middle-low portion of his voice from a F3-D4. He's also best at emoting within this range." they shouldn't say it aloud, but right now, the idols are so freaking proud of her. "His chest voice is full up to an F4, although he's capable of belting as high as an A4, with slight strain, he naturally goes into a mixed chest voice resulting in a somewhat nasally thin vocal performance. His head voice and falsetto are potent, but the extreme highs seem to be detached from his natural singing voice, which could explain why he hardly sings in that register, either from lack of breath support or lack of control moving from his chest range upward. Jin's voice isn't as distinct as some of the other vocalists, but he's better to manipulate his vocal textures for the song given. His natural voice is very pure, silky, and smooth; as he goes higher in range it becomes slightly nasally and piercing, but not to the point of distracting the listener. He can give grungy or raspy vocal textures rivaling V and is able to sing exceptionally low while maintaining that tonality."

"Actually-" none of the five men is able to stop Y/n, she'll get her revenge, slowly but in an overpower way.

"I'm not done. With his impeccable tone, vast range and clear control over his vocal textures, Jin is able to emote believably with very little effort and bring a song to life. Do you still think that he can't sing?"

"I love my manager! I love her so much!" Seokjin jumps up and shakes his fists in the air with a super happy smile. "Thank you God for having sent her to us!"

"Last but not surely the least, Jimin. Jimin is a pure tenor whose range and timbre rest in countertenor territory. Since you don't have the slightest idea of what I'm talking about, a countertenor is this highest male voice possible in terms of categories, equal to that of a contralto female voice. His range span from around a G3 to an A5, though it's possible that he may be able to sing higher. The true girth of Jimin's voice starts around an E4 and peaks around a C#5 in chest/mixed chest range. You know why it's amazing? The average tenor's chest range usually peaks around a G4, which means, Park naturally sings 6 notes higher than the average man. Jimin is a master of tone control, not in terms of texture like Jin, but in terms of power and color. His ability to sing the same note in full chest, head voice/falsetto, or mixed voice in any given moment is uncanny and gives him versatility to convey different emotions while in his upper register."


"It means that if Jimin sings the same note, he can make it sound completely different in tone and emotion. He also is able to pull off very intricate riffs and runs in his upper register with high accuracy. Do I need to go on about how great is Jimin's vocals?"

"He has big defects on his singing techniques. I bet you saw them too." speaks authorially a man.

"Are you talking about the fact that his voice cracks very easily in his passaggio between chest and head voice? Yes, I did."

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