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Jungkook's POV

The alarm rings early for me, I have my running routine to keep myself in shape to have stamina for the incoming concert. I enjoy this during summers because even if outside is still dark, it's not cold at all, there's that light wind that cools me while I run and my body temperature increases.

I get up, dress myself while eating something to quench my hunger, put some music on and I'm ready to be back in 4 hours.

Outside, I do stretching and breathing exercises, set a destination and calculate the time I need to reach it and go back to the dormitory. Phone secured in the pocket, water bottle on the other side, everything is ready, so with a quick breath, I begin to run heading to the goal.

The melodies distract me from a lot of things in my head. I love this artist so much and I aim to be like them, I want to be a wonderful emotional singer, I want to be able to sing emotions and not only words. Thanks to their healing and melodic voice, I have the peace of mind I need to reflect. A lot has happened since I changed manager and my guts are telling me that something big is coming. The thought only make me excited and also anxious, I feel it's a good thing but I know that to get that, I and my hyungs will have to sacrifice something. I hope with my heart that it'll be sleep as it always was since the beginning, we worked so hard we rarely slept, we fought back and now our name is famous in Korea and awards were assigned to us.

Monie-hyung is stressed these days... I think looking in front of me. My biggest struggle is when my hyungs are having a hard time and I can't do anything to make them feel better.

Hyung is stressed because we don't have songs ready yet, isn't it? Or it's for the concert? Y/n-ssi surely can help him but I wonder, he's very logical and stuff, he prefers to explain why he doesn't want help and I don't know if Y/n-ssi can fight back... We were took off guard by her predictions and actions, we couldn't even think at a reply. I hope she can help him, for real. Jimin-ssi is getting better since she came, I guess she knows what to do to put us at ease, which is why I'm not that shy around her. I was surprised too but I didn't care, I felt something coming from her, I just trusted my instinct.

"Good morning, young man." an old man greets me as we wait for the green light, and of course, I reply politely.

"Good morning, sir!" I smile and restart to run when the green light is out, falling into my thoughts once again.

These days I couldn't take my eyes off Y/n-ssi's shoulder. I'm concerned, what if she's injured and doesn't want to treat it because of us? And if it's just a pulled muscle, then why she doesn't ask us a massage?

Well, now that I think about it, the request is too weird, I give her a point... I wanna help her, but I can't bring myself to touch her, I think the only brave enough would be Seokjin-hyung, but I don't know how far... We are all shy, Y/n-ssi isn't an exception, we're calmer with her but that doesn't change the fact that we can't even touch a girl's hand, a massage is out of our league. Maybe that Sasha guy, he knew where to touch her to loose the muscle and he even brought her a tea- Hold on! We can start with bringing her favorite tea like he did!

My face brights up, happy that I found a solution, but I sulk again, because I don't know what's her favorite tea dammit, and I'd rather die than asking it to that bastard. I don't know much about her tastes in clothing, foods and everything else; the only data I have is that she likes games and anime, she reads a lot of books, and that she's very good in whatever she does. If I didn't have school, I could go with her to a shopping mall and see what she likes to pick... Stupid school- Oh I love this song! Do you know what else I really love about this singer? Her choice of words for her text, but especially for the titles. They aren't long at all, most of the times made just by one word, and I love the fact that she uses words people might not know and take the chance to teach them new things! For example, the track I'm listening right now is called 'Aeonian' and I learnt that it means everlasting; eternal, which suits perfectly the lyrics. One day I want to release a song just like this, one word with a beautiful phonetic as title but it holds all the meaning of my song. I adore this person, I really look up for them and they are so inspiring, they encourage me to do better, to be better, they reassure me in though days, they cuddle me with that heaven-like voice when I'm sad... I hope one day I can meet them.

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