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Jimin's POV

On my way to my work place, Namjoon-hyung decides to translate everything for us, taking advantage of the fact that Y/n-nim has earphones and that she can't understand Korean if not sentences related to work. He feels bad for behaving like this, but he said it's also for her sake.

"I don't trust that guy." comments Yoongi-hyung. "I feel like he has two faces, like he's playing with her."

"Should we spy their date?" Tae's lips are quickly covered by his hands, aware of the fact that he said something that he shouldn't has the hyungs nearly glare at him. "I'm sorry, I thought that it was-"

"A brilliant idea!" exclaims Seokjin-hyung. "Good job, Taehyung-ah!"

When I hear him saying those words, I'm speechless. Stalking Y/n-nim for that guy? People recognize us on the streets, what hyung is thinking, I don't know.

"What? Hyung, wait, we shouldn't do it." adds Jungkook-ah still shocked. "Ok, we don't trust him, but spying on them is wrong."

"What if he tries to take her against her will? Being a man, he's physically stronger, she couldn't fight back, and if she could, not when she's in the conditions of this morning." he insists.

"Jin-hyung, you're exaggerating..." Hobi-hyung joins too. "You shouldn't say those things, he won't do anything to her.... I hope."

"Oh yeah? Didn't you hear how he called her name for the first time before? That's the voice of a bad guy, I don't leave a girl like her alone with him. He always wears sunglasses when he clearly can't see a damn thing-"

"Don't tell me..." whispers Namjoon-hyung, "You're pissed off because he wears sunglasses?"

"Yes- No, I mean, not only that!"

All of us sighs internally. Why this hyung is like this? He's like a mother who asks too much and overthinks without missing an occasion about catastrophes happening to her children. Also, is really the reason behind his idea of stalking our manager just the fact that that kid wears most of the time, almost always sunglasses?

"I don't like how easily he can make her change her mind, I think there's something under this. Her eyes were clearly saying no to his invitation, but he bought her with a game."

"I'd trade a date for a game that I don't have-"

"Shut up, Jungkook." we say at the same time, making the kid giggle at the perfect timing.

I'd bet my head that he said it because he saw so many games at Y/n-nim's house. I'd bet my head he wants to know if Y/n-nim likes videogames as much as he does. I know I'm right when I look at him and I see him with a smile.

See? I was right! He wants to play with or against our manager, she's good in games if she plays alone, and he saw it. I fear that Y/n-nim is going to be his best gaming buddy. 

Found a deal, the car stops and only me and Y/n-nim gets off. She seems surprised about it, maybe she thought that the others would have come along and support me? Well, truth be told, it's better this way. Today I don't feel good, I feel awful, but if it's just her, I can hide it better.

-2 hours later-

Finally, I can have a break. I must look more exhausted than I should, and I'm so trapped by my own mind that I don't see my manager approaching me. Without rushing, faking to walk around and casually stop by to chat. I don't notice that the more she goes closer, the more she probably can see a painful expression on my face...

"Jimin-san, are you feeling ok?" I don't notice anything until she slowly bends to enter in my sight with a smile.

Everything is fine, you don't need it. You have to do it Jimin if you want to stay in BTS. I fake a smile.

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