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3rd person's POV

Now that the boys know where their manager live, she shouldn't expect to sleep tranquil. Wait that they get comfortable around her and they'll ring the bell in the middle of the night to be sure that she isn't sleeping with that dude. And she better not! He's not a good guy and he'll make her suffer, she should just get rid of him and focus only to be happy.

They hide in the bushes and see that freaking guy with his stupid sunglasses waiting for her softly singing a melody in the meanwhile. The idols recognize the words, he's singing to one of their songs, Buy in Love, which doesn't help them to change mind about that he's in love with their manager and wants to win her back.

What? The first thing Jin notices is that he has no presents for the girl, which makes him angry. "How can you show yourself up on a date with that casual outfit and without gifts?! Put more effort on dressing, would you? And bring her at least a flower you picked up during your way here, stupid kid!"

"Hyung, we're here for 5 minutes and you're already- Never mind." someone helps Namjoon, he will need an infinite patience during the (wrong) mission.

"Sorry for the late." Y/n's voice makes BTS crouch downer and fall quiet immediately. They now know how sharp is her hearing, a sound and they will be busted.

"Aw, I thought you'd wear shorts." the guy comments seeing her walking towards him with light blue ripped jeans, red Convers high and a simple striped white and black t-shirt. "Aren't you hot in those jeans?"

"I am, but I won't show my legs." the girl stops next to the boy. "I don't wear skirts for a reason, shorts are the same."

Gosh, speak some Japanese at least! Yell mentally the idols. This stupid English!

"You..." the boy steps closer, stretching his hand out to the woman's ear. "You still wear it..."

"How can't I?" she tilts her head with a gentle smile, but it's different from the one she makes with the idols, this has a different feeling, like... love? They sense that feeling when she touches the long and metallic earring, rubbing it very gently in her fingers. "This is my most precious treasure. I always wear it, just today I forgot it because I was in rush."

"I'm surprised that I didn't notice it until now." the nameless kid removes his sunglasses and smirks.

Why the policemen were so shocked? His eyes are normal. BTS thinks seeing finally his eyes. They are brown, a very classic shade for people who has pitched black hair like him. Maybe he made a scary expression?

"I noticed just now that you still wear the ring. We're even." Y/n softly laughs. "We didn't see each other for more than 2 years, little details won't jump to the eye immediately."

"This is my most precious treasure, I always wear it." he copied the girl touching the jewelry on his ring finger with the same affection the girl did. "Anything else?"

"Yeah you wear contacts." she takes his hand and walks, passing by the idols who are praying so hard to not make a sound. "You always wear contacts when we go out. You can't wear sunglasses anymore when the sun set, and you'd scare people with your eyes, so you always choose a simple color like brown, even to justify your pitch black hair."

"I got my fame 'cause of my eyes, remember?" he jokes putting an arm around her neck. "People will recognize me immediately first and second, I don't want to be scary like for the officers this morning."

When they are too far to hear what they say, the idols first listen to Namjoon as he translates and then, follow the duo. All those words they have said to each other scream COUPLE, but the leader and J-Hope try to convince the friends that he might be her best friend, or just a member of her family, justifying why he didn't put any effort to dress elegantly, or to bring her a small gift. But now, another big question stands next to the lovers guess, what and who is that dude? He said fame, so he's famous? For what?

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