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Taehyung's POV

As we are back, we eat quickly, too tired to speak and go to sleep. Tonight, I have something stuck in my mind and I want to get rid of it. I put my headphones on and I open YouTube, searching for a specific video. I don't know how I'll find it, but I start looking for it typing on the empty bar: 'Yule makes interviewer faint.'

Well, it didn't take as long as I expected. I think reading the title of the first video popped up, and I widen my eyes seeing how many views that 50 seconds clip has. It's insane... Yule-ah is really famous.

When the video starts, I immediately recognize Y/n who's just smaller and younger, but her facial features never changed. Maybe a tiny bit, her face now is a bit slender compared to the one in the video, but I assume that happened when she grew up or she just lost some weight for her own reasons. I don't know the tall and toned guy next to her though, he has ash blonde hair and such alluring eyes, one is painted with a pale purple, while the other one is adorned with a blue teal shade... I stop the video just to look at that man, his demeanor is polite and his smile is so cute, his voice is also particular, very similar to mine.

I didn't know that such breathtaking people existed, his hair doesn't look bleached either... Is that his natural hair color? So hypnotizing, like Yule-ah, but... Yule-ah gives bad dark vibes with the contrast of his eyes and hair, but this guy... He seems as pure as God.

I press play and thanks to the subtitles, I knows the name of the godly figure next to my manager. The Child of Heaven & Earth, Denara, alias Alexander L/n. What a cool name- Wait, is he Y/n's brother?!

The interviewer stops his questions when notices Y/n and Alexander both staring behind the camera. When the cameramen turn, my breath jolts due to Yule's eyes, the way he walks with such heavy steps, a very pissed off expression... Suddenly, he snaps over the wall and with a punch, his fist goes through the bricks opening a hole. My jaw drops, I wonder how the hell Yule could do that so effortlessly and his hand is still intact without even a scratch... Is he a demon for real?

The interviewer is held by an apologetic Alexander that slowly lies him down and fans him while the cameramen focus on Yule who a single arm tackles Y/n and lifts her over his shoulder, then laying with her on the mat hugging her tightly and closing his eyes like that.
The video ends like that.

Who knows if I can meet noona's brother, he's such a good person, and I want to look at his eyes from close. They really are so beautiful and what a rare combination! Y/n-ah is surrounded by wonders. Pulling my phone up, before scrolling down the comments, another video catches my attention, more than the video, the title of it did.

"The world goes silent before Denara...?" I whisper it with an interrogative tone.

As soon my finger touch the screen of the phone, I regret it because I feel like I'm watching something I shouldn't, but I can't click back, it has Korean subtitles, at least I can understand what's going on.

A huge ice rink in a massive stadium filled with people chatting while a lot of athletes are skating to warm up for the incoming competition. I spot Alexander, who's in his first years of a teenagerhood, and when it's his turn, he steps in the rink with a microphone stitched to his cheek with tape. He elegantly stops, visibly nervous about the people who nags him for the microphone and what may be wrong with him, but as a loud organ solo begins to resound in the studio, Alexander's aura changes too, adapting to the raising melody.

Who wrote the base? It starts with deep and powerful notes, but as the higher ones kick in, it has a hopeful sound... I increase the volume and glue my eyes on Alexander who begins to skate so gracefully his limbs seem feathers, he moves with the elegance of a swan, but what shocks me the most is his voice. It sounds so pure and high, almost feminine but as I listen more, I notice that the entire stadium fell silent before the kid, hypnotized by his voice, his movements and his entire being.

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