The Wonders

94 5 7

Y/n's POV

I'm in my hotel room, not wanting to get up for shit. Not even for breakfast, I skipped it anyway, it's past noon. Who cares, sleep is more alluring now, that's why after a little peek at the clock, I roll on the other side and go back into my sweet slumber.

That's what I thought and planned to do, but insistent knocks are testing my patience. Harshly I shall say. If there's something that annoys me like crazy, is when someone doesn't let me sleep. Ignoring the knocks, I put my earphones on and focus on the relaxing music, but not even at the end of the track a blinding light, disturbs my enjoyable darkness, making my eyes shut so tight it hurts and I find shelter under the sheets.

"Noona, please wake up! We need to show you something!" someone jumps on the bed and settles beside me, lightly shaking my body wrapped in the blankets. I can't tell who is, but those voices and giggles are from my boys, and they only can have the spare key of my room.

"Do it later..." my hoarse voice doesn't scare them, they are used to it by now. They find it cool how low my voice drop, if they don't pay attention, they mistake me for a male without problems.

"Pretty please?" Jimin slowly removes my earphones and kneels in front of the bed. "It's urgent."

Oh another thing that makes me so upset and pissed off? Don't fucking touch my earphones while I'm listening to music...

"I can wake noona up in a second." Jungkook takes the blankets, lifts them all the way up and with his foot he pushes me down of the bed. "There, do-?!"

"Bad move, brat." in a second though, he's on the floor with his hands firmed held on his waist and a weight nails him to the ground. "Don't do that again, or you'll face the consequences. I don't wanna hurt you, nor scare you, so be a good boy and wake a lady in the right way. Have I made myself clear, maknae?"

"Yes, ma'am!"

"Aigoo~, Jungkookie can't win over noona, can't he?" , "I think not. We found something he can't do." the hyung line teases him while he pouts annoyed, still thinking how the hell I could trip him and pin him to the ground so fast and where all that strength came from. Sorry kid, I'm quite experienced in fights and stuff, I know a few things, alright?

"Then..." I climb back to bed and sit calmly next to Namjoon, the culprit who jumped on the bed. "I hope for your asses that this is really urgent. If not, you won't leave this room alive."

"Quite sassy today, aren't we?" comments Yoongi, unafraid of my change of personality.

"No, it's just that noona hates when people don't let her sleep. Harsh awakenings are something that she doesn't appreciate." Taehyung explains sitting on the edge of the bed with his boxy smile. "I told you to wait, but you didn't listen."

"Thanks Tae, you're the only one who understands me." I sigh leaning back to the headrest and waiting for someone to speak about the urgent matter, but as expected, they are staring at me a little absent from the real world.

These eyes, I swear to god...

"People!" I use a louder voice and clap my hands strongly so they are back to earth. "Then?"

"Please close your eyes and opens your hands." Namjoon sits more comfortably and holds his hands behind his back. "Trust me."

"I had my eyes closed until a few minutes ago." I joke but still obey to him, he asked so politely and his voice sounds quite excited.

"Ok..." RM lays the award they received while the others all gather around the bed or sit on it, watching my long finger welcoming the golden cube while I frown my brows at the foreign weight in my palms. "You can look now."

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