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3rd person's POV

Luckily, a light calls for them with an enthusiastic voice, quenching the raising darkness. Y/n is hyped to go to the beach, and the idols find themselves influenced by her smile and her will to play like a kid, so they follow her forgetting what happened in a bunch of seconds.

Taehyung and Jungkook are the most playful ones, suggesting games they already did with her like palm-pushing, cards, mimicking, ping-pong, and adding new options such as beach volley, soccer, building sand castles. They're at the beach, surely they will not be bored.

Pairing each team based on rock-paper-scissors, the band see the golden maknae flying for his jumps of happiness when he's paired with Y/n. For the sake of the older members, they decide to play ping-pong first, Jeon team vs Kim team.

"Let's do it, noona!" Jungkook gives a high-five to be ready to destroy everybody's ass.

"I think this is unfair." says Jin on the other side of the table. "These two are competitive machines, we should switch a member to be equal."

"We paired on rock-paper-scissor, hyung." comments Namjoon. "Luck went to their side, we must accept this."

Needless to say, the Kim squad is destroyed by the power of the competitive kids. They laugh moderately all the time, Y/n's so close to lose any control over herself with Jin's laughter, she adores it, it makes her laugh even when there's nothing to laugh about. In the last match, to end it with style, she hit the ball perfectly and with power, sending it straight into Seokjin's side. As he falls, Jeon and V shout together 'FATALITY'.

"Oh gosh, are you okay??" while the others laugh hysterically, the manager rushes to the idol's side and checks if he's hurt. "I'm so sorry, do you need help?"

"I'm fine." he sits up and raises his shirt to see the hit spot, where now a bruise took its place, "Now I see why it hurt so bad."

"Oh my gosh, I am so, so sorry, Jin-ssi!" the woman runs to her bag and pulls out a little case with a lot of stuff in. "Please use this. It's a cream for bruises."

Seokjin retired while RM applies the cream still laughing. Now the 95's line against Suga and J-Hope; the winner will fight the destroyers. Thankful for their fragility, Yoongi and Hoseok lost, and now the strongest duos can kill each other.
Unlike the first match, they hit the ball lightly to make the game last, if the one who serves win, there's no fun for anybody, so they start slowly and gradually increases, until one of them is hit by the ball without seeing it. Hoseok and Jin record everything because it's absurd how they're playing, Jimin is the only one who can swing back with enough power and hit the table, the poor V hits the net or goes out of borders.

It was a hard and long fight but in the end, the golden combo wins. With each game, the band notices that Y/n changes based on her teammate, with Jungkook she unleashes the beast, with Taehyung is very supportive and encourages him, with Yoongi she almost plays alone because he doesn't care, only the most easiest things are done by the rapper. With J-Hope she can't stop laughing because that man is so hilarious and involuntarily misses the ball, with Namjoon she becomes clumsy too, they often bump into each other for two different reasons, but the man always quickly grabs her before she could hit the sand, and vice versa. With Jimin everything becomes soft, they have a perfect balance, just like with the maknae, but with Jungkook is enhanced to the maximum, with Jimin it's still sportive and competitive, but at human levels. With Seokjin is the mommy duo, they all focus more on safety than the game, which is not funny, so always decide to change category.

-A few hours later-

The boys are playing in the water, chasing and pranking each other, while the manager sits under the umbrella to read as she always does. It's around that time that the beach starts to be crowded, but gladly for the band it's still early for the peak, so the take advantage of that to enjoy themselves until they'll feel uncomfortable around all those people. When they less expect it, they glance over Y/n to ask her to join them in the water, but they see the dude of before with a yellow envelop in his hands talking with her; he sits on her towel and while he talks, the girl pays no attention to him. She takes her stuff and waves at him but he's persistent, he follows her back to the pool, and of course, the idols packed their things as fast as a bolt and followed them.

Only for One [ON HOLD DUE TO HEALTH ISSUES]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें