Blue Will

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3rd person's POV

After a very long scold from each member of his group, Jungkook walks in his room. He falls into his bed unable to sleep, Y/n's face sweetly torment his mind, that as blue as the ocean captured him and he doesn't mind drowning into that color, it was so mesmerizing... He wants to know what his hyung V knows, he felt so special when he thought he was the only one to know about her particular eyes, but now he isn't that sure anymore. He wants to confront the older and he will, he has something that bonds him to the manager more than the others, he will not give up on that little secret so easily.

Yoongi's POV

I'm in my studio with a pretty fucked up idea in my sleeves. I want to see the horrifying video one more time to assimilate something that got stuck in my mind when I heard it. Before that creepy video, I thought Y/n was involved in the music world because of Yule, I thought that since she has the blessing of having a sharp sense of hearing, the girl made songs for the boy's competitions, but I wasn't very convinced about it, it seemed to me that a big piece was missing in the picture. The big piece is now smaller because of this video, the cameraman said that at the age of 14 years old, F/n was already an international figure and won many awards, which one of them was for her voice.

Is she a retired singer? If so, why I never heard of her name before? I never heard her songs once. If she was that famous, I would have recognized her by now. I'm looking at the framed profile of the 14 years old Y/n and her face didn't chance much, the present Y/n is even thinner than her teenager self, she looks really muscular here, which intrigues me more. I'd definitely remember a singer so young and yet so successful with this appeal if I- Hold on.
I sink in the chair and hiss.
Is this the reason why those creeps sent this shit to us? They texted that they can't let Y/n guide us... Is it because they fear we outclass them or what? Why they fear noona so much at the point to even kill her? If she's a singer for real, she must be retired to be our manager, so she's out of the competition, right? Then why keeping on going after her?

Hours pass, I tried to discover more about Y/n's past, but it seems that her name is well protected in the internet, someone is protecting my manager's real name from those creepy fuckers, which is good. I should look for data using her old stage name if she had one, and there is, a huge wall blocks my path to the truth. Great.

Frustrated that I can't move on more than that, while rain and thunders dance together, I decide to go out for a walk to clear my mind.

The rain hits hard my umbrella as I walk down the streets, heading to a less crowded place to organize my ideas and maybe talk with Y/n about the video.

If I tell you, will you listen, will you stay? Will you be here forever? Never go away? Never thought things would change... Hold me tight, please don't say again that you have to go...

Suddenly, a voice rises over the heavy rain and thunders, stopping me in my tracks. I turn towards the source of that splendid voice. I walk slowly to not disturb the singer, I wants to hear this voice until I die, it's angelic, delicate but filled with sorrow.

I had it all, but I just let it go. Oh, this silence it's so violent since you're gone! All my thoughts are with you forever... Until the day we'll be back together, I will be waiting for you...

How wonderfully this woman drops the high notes to the deep ones. It's so calming... After a few more steps, I spot a girl standing alone, soaked wet but she doesn't seem to care about it, she stays sit on the low wall and looks at the sea...

Hold on a fucking second. I know that fucking earring, and you're fucking kidding me right now! That's my manager, that's F/n!

Listening her singing voice reigning over the thunders, I'm half shocked and half scared. The girl sings with a gentle voice, although she can go over the loud thunders and the continuous sound of the rain, the echo of her voice gives me goosebumps and causes the brightest smile I can possibly make.

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