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Jimin's POV

In the end, we fell asleep in Jungkook-ah's room and we're glad it's summer, if it was winter or autumn, we would've been frozen on the floor without blankets.

I'm the first to wake up and I notice a shadow walking out. After gazed around, I see that my teammates have all pillows and light blankets on them, also, one person is missing.

Maybe it wasn't a good idea making her sleep on the floor... Slightly worried, I stand and head downstairs, catching Y/n-ssi moving her lips quietly. Earphones again... Ok, approach her like hyung did, I can do- My body stops when I see her massaging her shoulder in pain, then strokes her arm from above to the tips of her fingers.

She's hurt, isn't she? The tug was quite strong, I'm surprised she could stand still with that strength. I hate that dude, how can he be so rude to her? Doesn't he realize how lucky he is to have someone like her as girlfriend? You don't find people as unique as her every day...

"Good morning, Jimin-ssi."

I jolt at the sound of my name, but I'm so happy that she learns so fast. A week hasn't passed, and she made huge progresses in the speaking side, I won't deny that her pronunciation is good either. It still sound a very tiny bit broken, but a few words are pronounced perfectly.

"Good morning, Y/n-ssi." I reply feeling my lips going up in a smile, and before I can ask her how she slept, she does it faster than me. "Yes, I did. Thank you for asking."

She's so kind, how can that guy treat her like that? She's as warm as the sun, she helps you without wanting anything back, and he even hurt her... If he touches her again, I'll terminate him.

"D-do you..." seeing her stuttering and being a little embarrassed about it is so cute, but I understand that is because she doesn't remember.

She asks funnily a second to unlock her brain and formulate the sentence in the right way. Aw man, I wish I could've record her. She always does that when she's thinking?

"Do you want to come with me, Jimin-ssi?"

"Where?" I feel warmth in my heart. Maybe it's the first morning that I don't listen to the demons in my head, telling me to work out and not eat to lose weight faster. Omo, look how she searches for the right word in the dictionary, I should help her a bit.

"Grocery shopping." too bad for me, my manager is faster to find the word she wanted and replies proud of herself. "Remember? We cook something you like, so... Shall we go?"

After nodding at her suggestion, I change so quickly I surprise myself and run out the building where the girl is waiting with sunglasses and a smile that for me is more beautiful than the stars. I have to wear a mask and sunglasses too to not get recognized in public, but I follow my dear manager to her place, more precisely, in the underground full of garages.

"I'm going to revel another secret of mine, Jimin-ssi, please keep it between us, ok?"

"Of course, don't worry." I reply quickly with a steady voice. I detected insecurity and a hint of fear in her voice, so I want to reassure her. "I won't tell anyone if you don't want me to."

Opening the garage, I see a black motorcycle and my mouth would falls to the ground if it could. Only my eyes move to follow the girl removing the kickstand and walks backwards to get that out of the box. Looking at the motorbike, I feel my heart pounding for excitement but also scare; I never got on a bike before, especially driven by a girl, a badass one.

I gulp because I now have two secrets with this woman and the fact makes me feel special, I know something that the others don't. But then, the nameless guy flashes into my mind, ruining my mood.

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