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AN: for a better experience please do listen to 'Pale' by Within Temptation.

Y/n's POV

Man, people don't understand how relived I am right now. Jimin wasn't upset with me because I put his life in danger, but it was just a big misunderstanding. I was beating myself up so much, I could never predict that these bastards could come after me so quickly, and especially going after BTS too. I wasn't ready, and I blamed myself for having thought so naively. Of course they strike quickly, I'm a danger to them, a threat that must be terminated... I blamed myself so much because I have learnt nothing from 2 years ago, how could I rest a little bit? I need to keep my sense sharp and keep tracking them. Now that they have a new weakness to use against me, I really have to be sharper than ever.

Outside the restaurant, the group faces a problem; they only have two cars and there's not enough room for everyone, but I have the situation under control. In fact, Yule comes with his white BMW X6 and winks. This is my plan, a very risky one, but I think it worth a try. Yule followed my instructions, he used the time we were eating to go to his place and be back with his vehicle to grant everyone a safe trip to the dormitory.
Silently acting, the glacial boy makes sure that I'm left alone with Jimin and with a car that only two people can get in, the Lambo.

"Can I drive you back? I have another present for you." the boy is confused but nods, getting in the car a bit nervously.

I know I'll regret it, but if I can use it to help him... I turn on the engine and drive off. I have thought at this for a very long time now, I want to help these guys with everything I can, but I can't do much than I really can because of myself. They don't recognize me which is great, only Taehyung found it out, but he keeps the promise. The gift I have in my bag exposes me a lot, but I'm pretty sure it'll help Jimin more than my normal self can. I can't turn myself into the one that conquered the world, I can't take any of them into my world of wonders. Not now, not the nowadays me. 

During the way, Jimin looks sleepy. He doesn't have that heavy weight on his heart anymore, he must feel like the stress of the last months is washed away, which I can relate, because I feel the same.
I feel his head on my shoulder, and I can't contain a soft giggle. I'm so glad I have the gears on the wheel, in this way I can keep my arm still while driving and let the boy rest. I noticed it after a few days I began this job, they have my brother's features and they unleash a side of myself that I should control; like the sudden hug in the restaurant or the fact that I didn't scold Taehyung when he pulled me down to the floor.
I see my big brother in them, Jimin has his vulnerable side, that always trigger my protective side without failing once. I know he's a man and has his pride, maybe being protected by a girl isn't the best for him, but it's stronger than me. 

Jimin's POV 

A soft voice calls my name. I slowly open an eye to check if I dreamt it or there's really someone calling for me. That's our dormitory... What? I stare at the building confused, asking why am I outside and how did I end up here.

"Jimin." as that soft voice calls for me once again, it clicks in my mind. Right, I went out with my friends to celebrate my birthday, and I even made up with noona.

Dear lord, how grateful I am that it was just a big misunderstanding, I feel so much better. I was about to reach the very bottom, if I didn't fix it today it wouldn't be a very good journey for me. But I did it and thanks to my bandmates as well, god bless them.
My nose catches the scent of the ocean, my body feels a faint but strange coldness and my eyes catch the hand I adore.
It clicks again.
I fully open my eyes and my head scatters up. Shit I was sleeping on her, while she was driving! You pabo! I apologize with a shy smile, I didn't want to fall asleep on her but my brain commanded me to... I was just so relaxed, relived, tired, I couldn't help myself.

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