Chapter Ten: Hunt for information

Start from the beginning

Lying in Cain's arms after our sweaty stress reliever I felt like a whole new person. The things that man do to my body is enough to melt any anxiety I had. My love for him and our feelings towards each other have grown rock solid after everything, I no longer dwell on the negatives and I feel ready to focus on what has to happen now. I turn to look at my mate who is laying there studying my face as his finger slowly and lightly outlines my face.

"Thank you Cain, I needed this." I smile and kiss his finger that was running lightly along my face. Cain chuckled at me.

"Your welcome babe, I offer my self any time you need." He smirks at me with that cocky grin of his. We lay there for a few more minutes before the urge to pee reaches me. I sigh and get up and go straight into the bathroom. Cain follows me and starts the shower and steps in. I smile thinking a shower sounds like a good idea.

Twenty minutes later Cain and I are freshly showered, fully dressed and silently walking hand in hand down to the kitchen. I noticed the clock on the wall of the kitchen said it was seven in the morning. Just in time for breakfast, I smile at that thought. We walked into the kitchen to be shoed out and towards the dining room instead. As soon as we walked in we were bombarded with the pack member's questions.

"Luna, Alpha." Most of them said in unison, then the questions started.

"How are you feeling Luna?"

"Is your head better Luna?"

"The demon, is it gone?"

The questions just kept coming and coming. Cain and I couldn't keep up with how many people were talking at once. I could feel my head starting to hurt again, Cain squeezed my hand and held up his hand, silencing everyone at once.

"Please everyone calm down, Luna Kat has a head injury. The wound is healed but she will still get a headache easily. We will explain to everyone once breakfast is over at the pack meeting at ten o'clock this morning to explain the situation with the demon." Cain pulled me forward to the head of the table where Draven and Carmella sat on Cain's left and Jenson and William were seated on my right. I smiled at the familiar faces of them and the whole pack that it seems like I haven't seen in a very long time. This felt right, being here with these people, feeling their concern for me as well as their confidence in me.

Cain and I sat down and soon after food had been served. The conversation was light and about events that I had missed, some jokes were made and all in all it was a very relaxing meal. I felt even more at ease then I did after Cain and I had sex. Once breakfast was finished Cain decided to go do some more training with some of the pack fighters, of course Dax, Jake, Lane and Trey went with. They were the vampire warriors that were to help our pack warriors become better fighters, so I helped some ladies in the kitchen cleaning up, I visited with some of the teens in the game room, and then I moved out side to watch the training session. I could tell it would be over soon as everyone was looking tired and worn out, but they pushed on which really impressed me.

"Kat, could you please come with me to the library, I would like to discuss some things with you." Draven came up behind me as I sat on the grass watching. I turn to look up at his intimidating stance, smiling I nod my head and stand up.

"Yes, of course." I respond and start to follow him back inside. Once we made it to the library I noticed that Jenson and William were sitting at a table covered in books already. Before I could ask my question William spoke up.

"We need to do some research Kat, the demon isn't here any more but he hasn't gone far we fear." He turned his head back into the book he was reading. I sit down with them and think maybe now is a good time to mention the voice I heard.

"Draven, in the basement before I had hit my head I could feel a presence. That is what pushed me into the table. I turned around and no one was in the room with me but I did feel hands push me. Then just before I passed out I heard a rough voice tell me that my kind will all perish and who ever spoke will make sure of it. Then it called me a disgusting elemental." I explained to them all, seeing as I had caught Jenson and William's attention as well.

"I wonder...." Jenson started saying then stopped as he got up to look for a different book then what was in the pile in front of him.

"Thank you for telling us that Kat that just might help us. Look through the books and find all you can on demon summoning or exorcisms gone badly." With that Draven got up and walked out. We all looked through books until just before the pack meeting. I was glad for the break, I love to read but the stuff I was going through was boring. I couldn't focus on much of the information I was reading.

Once at the pack meeting I made my way with Draven up to the front of the room where Cain stood behind the microphone. Once we arrived Cain raised his hand for silence again and everyone went quite, they all seemed nervous and really impatient about the information they are about to hear.

"All right first off, everyone can relax because the demon has been banished from Luna Kat's body. Secondly Draven and Carmella have confirmed that the demon is no longer on our land. They plan on doing a spell to protect our borders so the demon can no longer return onto our lands. As for the war, we will continue training. Keep referring to the schedules and make sure that everyone that is of age is at practice. That is all thank you." Cain finished speaking and the whole pack went up in murmurs as they exited the main hall.

"You are amazing hun." I hugged Cain and he returned the gesture.

"So are you my Luna. So beautiful." He murmured as he kissed my forehead.

"Now what?" I ask, looking around the empty room.

"Now babe, we go and help dig for information." I sigh at Cain's answer.

"That's the last place I want to be babe." I groan and complain like a small child. Cain just chuckles at me as he picks me up bridal style and carries me back into the library. Without another word we get back to work trying to find more on what exactly happened to the demon. Guess I don't get to have a nap like I wanted to, unless I fell asleep reading the boring books.

**** Well another chapter. I kind of got side tracked on my Christmas Romance Short Story, so I figured I had better write another chapter for this one. Pretty please take a moment and VOTE for this chapter. It would be greatly appreciated!!!

And if you could go to my profile and check out my short story, it's a romance with Christmas spirit!! Hope you all enjoy and like I said please vote for my sotries!!!!

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