in the pendal boat

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Lucas held my hand as I walked over to the pedal boat. I steeped my first foot slowly onto the boat, being careful not to loose my balance. I felt the boats wobble from side to side. Carefully I places my other foot onto the white plastic boat, gripping Lucas's hand tightly. i slid over to the other side of the boat, watching the balance of the boat as I did so. Lucas got onto the boat with no trouble at all. compared to me he literally jumped onto the seat.

He places his arm round me, kissed me on my head.We both looked at each other, places our feet on the pedals in unison. Then the both of us pedaled turbo style. the only thing was... we forgot about steering.

bump!!! we bumped into the side of the lake. both our heads were sent backwards from the suspension. we both laughed together. He grabbed my hand gently, placing it down onto the steering stick, then lightly places his hand on top of mine. I spread me fingers our slowly and he places his fingers in the gaps of mine.

we both looked forward, pedaled speedily together and he guided me on the gearing stick.

Soon pedaling round the lake got boring, we stayed on the boat yet we stopped round the corner of thee lake, the corner was surrounded by bushes and was very privet.Lucas thought it was time for a little... fun!! We had gotten a little bored of pedaling around the lake so Lucas secretly slipped his hand down into the lake and splashed me with, freezing, cold ,icy water!! He's such a Menes.

"Ahhhhh! Luccccassssss!" i screamed

he was laughing the whole time.

two can play at this game.

Between screaming for Lucas to stop I rapidly put both of my hands into the freezing cold water, cupped my hands and started to splash him back! By this time the boat was rocking from side to side dangerously. We both noticed it rocking but it didn't spoil our fun. The both of us were beginning to get quite wet. The tiny boat was rocking violently, My jumpsuit was beginning to get see through, luckily my top was underneath. All of a sudden the boat suddenly tipped over and i fell on to of Lucas, Lucas gripped me tightly. I wrapped my legs around him and he held me. We were both laughing. We both looked into one another's eyes and both lent in to kiss.

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