Just for me

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Riley's POV

I was relived that Lucas's parents were okay with us living here, well she wasn't at first, it was when I mentioned raising Oscar here when they agreed. 

it was the next morning. we didn't know what to do, we took Oscar on a walk in the park. There was lots of little children running round and playing on the swings and slides. we sat down on a bench. That's when i remembered. We met Miya here. 

"oh my gosh! Lucas!! Miya!" I said getting giddy. 

"miya? Miya where" was he pretending to be dumb? 

"Miya lives in London!" I said trying to get him on the same page as me. 

"yeah... so?" I pulled my face at him when he said this. 

"well for one Miya hasn't met Oscar yet, Miya has little Isabella and besides Miya is my best friend! We need to contact her and tell her we've moved here!" 

he looked at my confused with all the information. 

"well..?" I asked him. 

he stayed silent for a while. 

minutes passed. 

he didn't say anything to me.

I heard someone coming over to me from behind. 

then the noise stopped. 

I turned round. 


"Riley!!" i got up to hug her. Joy filled the air. I was so happy. It was as if Lucas knew I was going to mention Miya and got his magic wand out and magiced a spell to get Miya here just for me.

we got talking.

"So this is your little one then Ri" Miya said holding Oscar like he was her own.

"yes Little Oscar."

"he's adorable!"

I blushed a little from the sweet comment. 

"so where's Isabella?" I asked Miya. 

"she's with Ron their at home, you can come over and visit if you like? have a cuppa?"

"That's a great idea!" I exampled.

we all got into the car and went to Miya's house. Ron was in the kitchen making some sandwiches for us all. From what I remember Ron was quite an angry man but he seemed like he was really jolly and happy but that might change as time goes on. 

Isabella was crawling on the floor towards Miya when we went through to the living room. she was making loud screaming sounds and kept giggling everything her name was said. We placed Oscar on the floor in his car seat whilst we had a cup of tea. I noticed Isabella making her way over to greet Oscar. 

we got talking about life and what's going to happen in the future. We said hopefully we're going to stay here in Lucas's house, raise Oscar, send him to school, and maybe think about more children but no one knows what will actually happen.

"we met Farkle when we we're on our way home from London last time" I mentioned to Miya and Ron

"oh yeah. what did you think?"

"ummm..." Lucas said

"He's changed" i said

"a lot" Lucas added

"strange man. We see him and his twins about every so often. Never spoken to them though." 

it was really nice catching up with Miya, see how much Isabella has changed. And eating Ron's sandwiches, they weren't that bad, quiet tasty.

we made out way home. I began to think what will happen in the Future?

Girl meets world - 10 years on...Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora