Chapter Twenty

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The sun had set over an hour ago and Damon was ready to go. The whole day I had spent in my bedroom with Ace. No one apart from him was allowed in my room since I was a bundle of nerves. Nothing Ace seemed to say or do calmed me down so he just held me in the end as he ran his hand through my hair.

“It’s time Luna!” Damon shouted upstairs.

I sighed and sat up as did Ace. I wasn’t happy about this. Normally I would take the 'well if I don’t like it change it' attitude, but I just simply could not when it came to this. If I didn’t do this then it would kill Abby. I have a chance of survival, how strong the chance is I don’t know but I guess we’re going to find out.

Ace and I had decided earlier that we simply didn’t care. Who knows where our relationship is at but we weren’t going to hide of affections away from everyone else so when I walked down the stairs with Ace just one step ahead and my hand in his, people were very shocked. That included Robyn and Charlotte even though I had already told them. I think it’s because well we hadn’t displayed any public signs of affection before them apart from some flirting, but that could easily be passed as friendly flirting. 

“So, when did this happen?” Damon asked as we reached the final step. 

I glared at him and didn’t reply. Ace did for me but it wasn’t said in what you could call a friendly tone.

“Since we first met”.

Damon was shocked that was clear, although I don’t know why. He was the one who had suspected from the very beginning, the one I had lied to countless of times. After a minute or so he regained composure and threw my jacket to me. I let it hit me and fall to the ground.

“I don’t need it” I said.

He shrugged, “Just trying to be nice”.

I rolled my eyes and began my way through the back and out of the house. Ace was quick to keep up the pace with me and soon enough so was Damon. I looked down to see in one of his hands was a blood bag.

“What’s that for?” I asked.

“Katherine. I’m sure she’ll be thirsty” he replied as if it was no big deal.

Feeling a little repulsed by the whole situation I turned away from him and concentrated on getting there. Without intending or realising I once again trailed ahead of everyone else. Damon know left me to walk with just Ace who stood very close to me.

Looking up I saw we were very close to the church. In a split second images flashed in my mind, displaying a number of different ways I could escape from the situation yet I stayed. In all honesty, what chance did I have of escape when Damon followed so close behind.

“So what now?” I asked.

Damon chuckled before leading the way into the maze known as the church ruins. Soon enough my body reacted automatically following Damon. I had never actually been in the church, yet it was beautiful and unique, my awe increasing with each corner we turned and each broken statue we passed.

Damon’s act of clearing his throat was what broke me out of my mini trance, making me jump. Not so far behind Damon a sealed door was situated there and he was stood in the centre of a slowly fading pentagram. 

That’s reassuring.

“Work your magic” Damon said with a smirk. 

I rolled my eyes and turned to face the others for the first time. As I done so, I saw that we were not alone. Stood in the very back was not an angry Emily like I thought there would be but a distraught Emily, shaking and tears falling down her cheeks.

I sighed, looking away and focusing on Robyn.

“Robyn, can I have some candles please?” I asked.

She nodded and in seconds five candles were situated around me. I smiled at the result and then turned to Abby. She looked nervous. I could tell she really did not want to be here.

“Abby?” I asked.

She nodded, knowing already before giving me four items to tie the spell to the earth, using its energy making my spell more powerful. She lit all candles. Then, with combining her powers with Robyn’s they both produced a log burning, a small plant, a cup of water and a small plastic windmill slowly turning.

Then my eyes fell on Emily still stood in the back.

“Emily. You’re the only spirit here and the most powerful that I need. Please help me out” I begged.

She stayed silent for a moment, everyone’s eyes fell on her and a collective gasp could be heard at the sight of her. She sighed ad nodded her head. 

She moved and stood at the top of the pentagram. 

I took a deep breath.

“Here goes” I muttered.

Luna Salvatore (On Hold/Slowly Editing)Where stories live. Discover now