Chapter Nineteen.

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I woke up to sunlight shining down brilliantly through the small crack in my curtains. I glared at it as I opened my eyes. Stretching I felt my hands press against the wall. Bringing them back down I began thinking of the night before and the séance with Emily. 

My hand lifted and went to my necklace.

Well, what should have been my necklace, instead I only felt my hand against my skin. Sitting up I looked over in the mirror to see it in fact was gone. I jumped up out of my bed throwing my covers off. They fell to the floor with ease. I spread my hands out on the bed in urgent matter hoping desperately to find the necklace. 

I searched everything and I was left with no luck. I even used my powers of telekinesis to lift my covers and bed. I left them floating in the air and hoped it would drop or I would discover it but to my disappointment, nothing. 

“Damon Salvatore!” I yelled.

I left my room in a run, not caring that I was only wearing my normal grey shorts and black vest top pyjamas and the fact that when I left my room, everything that had been levitating fell to the floor loud enough to recreate the big bang, for all I knew when I walked back into my room there could have been eight more planets spinning around my bed.

I jumped the last seven steps. Everyone was sat down and were all watching me in shock.

“Hey guys. Where is he?” I asked with a smile.

No one replied.

“I’m in here!” Damon called.

Smiling again at them I charged into the kitchen.

“What the hell do you think your doing taking my necklace you ass?” I asked.

“Now is that anyway to talk to your Uncle?” he asked.

“No it’s not and at this point I don’t care, now where is it?” I asked.

Everyone had entered now and were spreading out throughout the kitchen.

“What’s going on?” Ace asked from behind me.

I turned to Ace.

“He stole it” I informed him.

“Stole what?” he asked.

“This” Damon said holding up the necklace and swinging it in the air from side to side like you would do to hypnotise someone.

I made a move to go and get it but Ace pulled me back. He kept his arms securely on my waist to keep me there but it wouldn’t last long if Damon continued to provoke me like he was doing.

“Why did you steal it Damon?” Erin asked.

“To get Katherine back” Damon replied with a shrug.

I saw Erin’s facial expression turn to pure horror as he told her that.

“Y-you can’t” she stuttered, “She’s dead”.

“None of the vampires actually died that night. They were sealed in a tomb. They believed that suffering a long life of thirst was more torture for them. It was sealed with a witch’s spell” he told her.

“Who the hell is Katherine?” I asked.

“She’s the one that turned me and you dad into vampires. It’s a long story but it would be best if you just met her” Damon said smiling.

I had never seen him smile like that before. She must of meant something to him. Why did Emily want me to keep the medallion away from him so badly then. As soon as I thought them words I mentally scolded myself. If it wasn’t such a big idea like Damon was making it out to be then I never would have been haunted in the first place. 

She never would of scared me like she had been doing. 

She never would of sent me to Fell’s Church and I now knew what she meant by saying that was where it began and that was where it must end.

She never would of given me and my friends powers if she didn’t think that one day we would need them.

“So, Luna. Since now you’re all powerful witch how do you fancy opening the tomb?” he asked.

I glared at him and thought of something to change the subject. I straightened up a little and it was only then I realised how close Ace was as my back brushed against his chest. I changed my train of thought and crossed my arms over my chest.

“How did you get it anyway?” I asked.

“Easy. Thanks to your friend Robyn” he informed me.

My head snapped to Robyn as did every other head. She looked down to the floor in guilt.

“Robyn” I whispered.

“I’m sorry” she said looking up, “He used something. I’m not sure what but it felt like I was being controlled. He ordered me to conjure up the necklace for him and I did” she said.

“You used compulsion on her?” I asked Damon.

“When did this happen?” Charlotte asked.

“Last night. I woke up to get a drink of water and he asked me to do it” she told us.

“So” Damon said clapping his hands, “Back to my earlier question”.

“No” I all but spat.

His smirk fell and then he shrugged.

“Oh well” he said before turning to face Abby. I noticed how his eyes went a shade darker and knew what was about to come.

“Abby. Would you do the honours?” he asked.

Slowly she nodded her head, she was well and truly gone, under compulsion.

I stepped forward in front of hew so she didn’t move and faced Damon.

“Alright. I’ll do it” I said.

Luna Salvatore (On Hold/Slowly Editing)Where stories live. Discover now