Chapter Four.

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I felt myself being pressed against something solid and when I opened my eyes I saw that I was in his arms.

"Luna you're awake" he sighed in relief.

I groaned at my pounding head. The way he had turned me allowed me to catch sight of my car. I gasped at the sight of it. It was turned up right by now, which I assumed he had done. It was a mess and black smoke lifted from the engine. I groaned again.

"Are you in that much pain?" he asked.

"No, well yes but I only got that car today. My parents are going to kill me" I replied.

I could feel his chuckle beneath my head. Slowly he placed me in a black 4x4 that had that brand new car smell to it. I watched as he walked around to the passenger side. I could feel my eyes drooping.

"Oh no you don't" he said placing his hand to my cheek. His touch sent a shock of electricity through me and I shivered.

"Are you cold?" he asked.

"No" I whispered.

"Luna keep your eyes open. I'm taking you to the hospital" he said as I heard the click of his seat belt.

I snapped my eyes open and looked over at him.

"No don't do that. I don't want to go to hospital, I don't like hospitals" I replied in a rush.

"OK. OK. Calm down. We won't go to the hospital. We'll go to mine" he said.

I relaxed in my seat and felt my eyes drooping. The engine roaring to life was what made me open my eyes in fright. When I realised what it was I calmed down and felt my eyes close again.


I opened my eyes to find we were no longer driving but outside a huge house. I gasped at the beauty of it. I watched as he walked around the car to my side and opened the car door. I fell back not realising I was leaning against the door but he caught me just in time.

He carefully picked me up in his arms and pressed me against him as he shut the car door with his foot and begin walking to the house. He kicked the door open and walked inside.

"What's your name?" I slurred.

He stopped where he was in the doorway and looked down at me.

"Ok. I think you should definitely go to the hospital if you don't remember my name" he said.

If I had the energy I would of hit him right there, but instead I rolled my eyes.

"You never told me your name genius" I replied.

He chuckled, "My name is Ace" he said.

Ace. I loved that name. I stayed quiet as he walked up the stairs and opened a door. It revealed to be a bedroom which I presumed was his. It was all very cliche for a vampire. No I don't mean there was a coffin in there with a pillow and blanket sat in it, but it was dark. He had two windows covered by black curtains that matched his hair and it was the same colour that covered his bed.

He carefully lay me down on the king sized bed and after making sure I was comfortable he bit into his wrist and held it out in front of me.

"I'd rather not" I said.

"Yeah well you wouldn't be saying the same if you actually saw yourself" he replied, moving his wrist closer to me. I could feel my fangs grow and I grabbed a hold of his wrist, letting his blood roll on my tongue. It felt good to have some blood in my system after a while.

"Luna, I think you've had more than enough" he said.

I pulled away and apologized. He sighed, "I guess it's my fault really. Stefan told me of your situation".

Luna Salvatore (On Hold/Slowly Editing)Where stories live. Discover now