Chapter Fifteen.

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School was finally done for the week and I was up at five in the morning on a Saturday. Before you ask, I am not insane, well, I am, but I’m not. I was up this early because of Charlotte, the witch I was speaking about who’s also one of my best friends. She had finally shown up and wasn’t going anywhere for six weeks. 

I was stood there, waiting for her by the front entrance to the airport with a coffee in my hands. I needed something to wake me up with and it wasn’t like I could walk into an airport and buy some bourbon or something, so I settled for coffee.


I snapped my head up to see Charlotte making her way over to me. She wore a smile fro ear to ear. She stood at a 5’3 and had that tan everyone envied. Trailing behind her was her bright pink suit case. I screamed and took off closing the distance between us. When we arrived in the middle I threw my arms around her pulling her into a hug.

“I can’t believe I’m finally here” she said, her Australian accent evident.

“Neither can I” I said holding her just as tight as she was holding me. 

When I pulled away I handed her the coffee I brought for her. She took a big sip before she grabbed her case and we began walking out the building. After watching Charlotte struggle for a little trying to lift her case into the back of the car, I decided to be a good friend and help her.

I sat down in the drivers seat as I waited for Charlotte to settle into her seat.

“Nice car” she commented.

“Not mine” I replied.

“Oh, who’s is it then?” she asked.

“My boyfriends. Sorta. I’m still not sure where we stand” I explained.

“Back up girl! You haven’t told me any of this! Who is he?” she asked.

I laughed and began the long story of since when my parents arrived all the way to the picking her up at the airport. I mentioned a few other things to her like Robyn and my situation with her and then my ghost problem with Emily.

She stayed silent for a while, thinking it over. By the time she spoke again we were only a few minutes away from the boarding house.

“Right, I have a plan, but I want to see the guys first” Charlotte announced.

I laughed and nodded my head. I’m sure she already knew that they were at my house. Seconds later the boarding house came into view. I was halfway down the road there when the same white blinding light appeared.

Before Charlotte and I, was Emily.

“Don’t give it to him!” she screamed.

I swerved the car, both Charlotte and I screaming together. It was probably a second later I realised she was in fact a ghost and transparent. The car would of gone straight through her. After realising this I slammed my foot down on the break. The wheels squealed against the concrete floor in protest. Suddenly the car obeyed and came to a complete halt, causing both Charlotte and I to lurch forward. Lucky enough for Charlotte she didn’t get hurt however I hit my head on the steering wheel. 

Pulling away I groaned and pressed my hand to my head. I flinched in pain from the contact of my palm to my head before pulling away and seeing the blood that covered my head. Ouch!.

I glanced over at Charlotte once more to make sure she wasn’t hurt before throwing my door open and looking all around me. I saw from the corner of my eye my friends heading their way to me and Charlotte as quickly as they could, but it wasn’t them I was looking for. 

Stood a little bit away from the back of the car was Emily with her hand brought together before her waist. I glared at her and charged over to her. She didn’t look scared in one bit but she should have been with the way I was feeling. 

“What the hell was that?” I asked.

“Don’t give it to him” she replied.

“Yeah well if you don’t stop I just might” I threatened. 

Of course I was bluffing but she didn’t have to know that. She glared but was gone in a flash. I blinked in surprise to see she had actually listened.

“Luna!” Ace shouted.

I turned around to see Ace come to a stop before me. He was concerned and when his eyes fell on my cut, the worry got worse for him. I pressed my hand against my head and pulled away to see a bit more blood. I groaned.

“Maybe I just shouldn’t drive” I told him before making my way past him and walking inside. 

I made my way in and straight upstairs to my room. Opening the door I was greeted by cold air, I ignored it though as I made my way to my bathroom. Grabbing a face cloth I stuck one end of it under the tap before wringing it out and then pressing it to my forehead. At first the pain was horrible but it started to subside not too long after. Once the blood was completely cleared away I grabbed a band aid from my first aid box and two aspirin to take.

Walking out into my bedroom again I saw I wasn’t alone as Charlotte was sat on the bed waiting for me with her suit case sat beside her and open showing all the brightly coloured clothes. Stood side by side was Mark and Daniel and opposite them was Ace and Damon. I completely ignored Damon however and tried to forget his presence. The way I saw it was it was because of him that this was happening.

“You OK?” Charlotte asked in her thick Australian accent. 

I nodded in reply.

“You know. Maybe you just shouldn’t drive” Mark said with a small smirk.

I looked over at him and glared.

“Oh ha ha” I said before waving my hand as a motion to tell him be quiet.

That’s not what happened though.

Suddenly he was lifted from the ground and thrown into the wall before sliding down it and hitting the floor. He groaned in pain as Daniel rushed to his aid. Me on the other hand? I was looking down at my hands wondering if I had actually done that.

Had I?.

Luna Salvatore (On Hold/Slowly Editing)Where stories live. Discover now