Chapter Three.

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The game went well. We won and we performed the routine so that it was perfect. But my heart wasn't really in it anymore. I kept thinking of Robyn and stealing glances at her every now and then.

"Are you coming tonight?" I asked her.

She shook her head, "I haven't got a costume. I don't fit into my last one unfortunately". 

She slammed her locker door shut and left before I could protest. I sighed and closed my locker door before leaving the changing room and saying my goodbye's to my friends.

The moon was high up in the sky and glowing brilliantly like it always did. I smiled at the sight of it before continueing to my car. I sat down in the car and made my way back home. It didn't take me as long as usual to arrive back home.

I stepped out of my car and locked it behind me. When I got to the front door it was already open and my mom was waiting for me.

"Ready to get changed?" she asked.

I nodded my head and she took my hand, leading me to my room and meeting Aunt Bonnie halfway. When I got to my room, it wasn't exactly how I had left it I'll admit. Sat on my bed was Abby and Miranda. They weren't the only things on my bed because there was also make up kits here, there and everywhere. Stuff like my curlers were there, clips and god knows what else.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"We are getting ready to go to the school" my mom replied.

I nodded my head slowly not really understanding. She rolled her eyes and lead me to my dressing table. She pulled a brush through my hair, pulling out all the back combing I did. From there on she moved on to my make up as Aunt Bonnie did my hair.

"So what am I going as?" I asked.

"We are all going like a family from the 1800's" my mom replied.

I nodded my head and asked no more questions as they carried on with my make over. Once I was done they shooed me off into the bathroom to change. I opened the box to find a lovely white dress embroidered with gold in the style from the 1800's. I instantly fell in love with it.

I pulled it on and looked into the mirror. I gasped at the sight of me. The dress looked beautiful and my hair had been curled. I hardly ever wore it curly because I could never get it just right, unlike my mom of course because it looked beautiful. I thought the whole point about Halloween was to be scary but I looked far from it. Even my eyes didn't look that terrifying, and they were blood red for goodness sake.

I opened my bedroom door to find everyone gone. I shrugged to myself and grabbed my shoes. I sat on the edge of my bed pulling them on before walking down the stairs.

"Happy Birthday!"

I laughed at the sight of the lounge covered in presents and all the people I loved in one room. Along with my family was Aunt Caroline, Uncle Tyler, Uncle Matt, Mark, Daniel, Aunt Jenna and Uncle Ric. The only person missing was Robyn.

After opening my presents I was finally on my last one from Aunt Bonnie. I opened the small black velvet case to reveal a necklace. It was a beautiful yellow gem or stone of some sort being held on a silver chair. I looked up at her and she smiled at me.

"This belonged to my grams and she gave it to me when I was about your age. I want you to have it now" she said.

"Thank you Aunt Bonnie" I said wrapping my arms around her. She smiled and helped me put it on before uncle Damon suggest we leave. My eyes fell on Daniel, dressed as a vampire, his supposed to be mortal enemy. Everyone left but before he had a chance I pulled him back by his elbow. He looked at me in confusion.

Luna Salvatore (On Hold/Slowly Editing)Where stories live. Discover now