Simon x male reader (part 1)

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Third-person p.o.v.

You were coming back from school. High school was the worst and being 16 was hard. Your parents always fought and argued about everything. The house was never cleaned, it was always such a mess.
As you opened the door to your house, you instantly went to your room and shut your door throwing down your bookbag and falling in your bed. Your parents aren't home when you get back from school so it gives you some time to be alone and do whatever. Being bullied at school is also hard to deal with. The hitting, punching, name-calling. Lying on your bed, you cried a river. You wiped away the tears and sniffled wishing you just had one at least one friend.
A little while later your parents were home. Opening your bedroom door there was another guy with them.
He was pretty pale, had blue eyes, and was tall. He was also wearing all white but grey at the top, a blue triangle on the chest and blue strip around his upper right arm.
"Um, who is this?" You questioned. Obviously confused.
"Honey, this is PL600 but we are calling him Simon." Your mom said with a smile while looking at your dad.

Your p.o.v.

A PL600 mhm. I don't trust easily. But I mean...he is really cute. But he's an android!
Oh no, It seems I'm catching feelings. That's a joke. Nevertheless, I already have a bad feeling about this. "Okay? Um, he is um, here to 'help' us. Right?"
"Exactly." Dad said.
"Now if you excuse me and your dad honey, we must be going. We have business going on." Mom said as both of them left. Leaving me with...Simon
I look around the house, dirty as usual. I started picking up the dishes from the living room and placing them in the sink. Then going to my parent's room then collecting their dishes. It smelt of cigarettes and alcohol. Once I went back to the kitchen Simon was doing the dishes. "Oh, um, Simon, I was going to do them. You don't have to do the dishes."
Simon smiled looking at me. "Well if you are interested this is my main purpose. To clean and take care of people." He said in a kinda monotone voice. I gave him a tiny nod. Placing the rest of the dishes in the sink. Walking away from the kitchen I walked to the bathroom and grabbed some wet wipes and cleaned up the bathroom. After finishing that, I went towards the living room and started cleaning around until I found my eyes drifting off to look at Simon, that damn android. I tried to not look but I couldn't help myself. The faucet turned off and I heard 'him' walkover. "Would you like some help?" He asked kindly.
"I-I guess."
He smiled and helped me with the cleaning. Hours later, I...meaning Simon and I finished cleaning the whole house. I plopped myself on the couch with a sigh and looked around. It finally looked like a house to live in. I closed my eyes and rubbed my temples. "Hey, (f/n) are you okay?"
"I'm fi- Wait. How do you know my name?"
That kinda felt like a stupid question for the moment.
"I can scan people and get some status about them. Like name, height, age, etc." Simon responded.
"That's cool... I guess." I said as I got quieter that the end.
"Are you sure your good?" He asked again.
"Yeah, I guess so. Just kinda stressed out ya know." I responded back.
"Well not to be mean but...I don't think you do know. Because you know your a...machine." I added, sounding rude. Jeez, I shouldn't have said that.
"Well, I'm an android. Technically not a machine, but close. But, yes, we don't really feel anything. So yes, you could put it that way." He replied.
I nodded and felt hurt by my own words. Simon sat next to me all perfectly. I felt this anger run over me. He's all perfect, no flaws, nothing wrong with him. My eyes stung for the second until I looked away from him. I could feel the tears come to life. Letting out a shaky sigh I got up roughly and walked to my room leaving Simon by himself.

(Hours later.)

My stomach growled. I felt SO hungry! But I don't have the energy to get up. I all ways wait for my parents to get home but sometimes they don't come back for days sometimes weeks. one to talk to. Well now I have Simon, but I dunno if I wanna talk to him.
Suddenly there's a knock at my bedroom door, then a voice. "Hey, (f/n) I made dinner." Obviously, it was Simon. Sitting up in my bed I called back "Come in."
The door opened as the hallway light shined through. I mostly keep my lights off in my room. Simon turned on the light in my room. For a quick second, I closed my eyes from the brightness. Simon handed the plate of food. And it was what I was craving. Simon sat next to me, again and perfect as ever. This time it didn't bug me as much.
"Hey, Simon. I'm um, really sorry about what I said earlier. I didn't really mean to say machine. Just wrong wording." I just stared down at my food.
"It's okay. I forgive you. I didn't really think you meant to be mean. You don't seem to be a mean person." Simon explained so kindly.
I put my head on his shoulder as I eat my food. In a way, I could tell he smiled. Like he was happy.
But you know emotions sometimes screw things up. It's not always nice.

Simon put his arm around me. It made me feel safe and like... I had a friend. But an android for a friend. But right now that didn't bug me.
"Thank you for everything so far Simon."
"You are very welcome (f/n)."


Once I finished my food Simon took the plate and washed it as I brushed my teeth and put on my PJs. After getting back in bed I covered myself with the blankets and put my phone on the charger. I rubbed my eyes then heard a knock on my door frame. And of course, it was 'him'. (Which you know who that is 😘)
"Ready for bed?" He said.
"Yeah. Got school sadly." I responded. Simon nodded as he walked up to me and kissed my forehead.
"Well good night (f/n)."
I couldn't help but blush a little from the kiss. "Night Simon."
Simon smiled as he turned off my light and slightly closed my door and turned off the hall light.
Maybe Simon is my new friend..?

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