Hank x M swat reader (part 2)

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(Warning: Abuse)

Your p.o.v.

I slowly tapped my boots against the floor as I read one of the reports on my computer.

The time felt slow like thick mud.

I took the papers on the side of my desk and looked through them writing down whatever needed to be inputted.
I knew my girlfriend would text me any second. But that's what's been killing me the whole day. I don't love her anymore.

Amber...that's her name.

Her name echoed in my head like an empty cave. I want a boyfriend and someone that'll love me and not hit me every day. I sighed thinking about it till my phone vibrated. I opened my phone and sadly it was her.

It said, "Hey what are you doing?" I wanted to throw my phone across the office.
She knew what I was doing. I just replied with "Work."

That's all I could say because I didn't want to talk to her. I put my phone down and got back to work and ignoring my phone vibrating. My phone vibrated another two times. Three new messages I didn't want to see. I made a very aggravated sigh and opened my phone.
The message this time read "Please come home for your lunch break."
"I'm sorry about last night. You know I don't hate you."
"Please answer!"
Every text I read I just got angrier. All I texted back was
"It's fine. Please just leave me alone. I'm trying to work and no I'm not coming home for my lunch break."

I sent it and then turned off my phone. I slid my phone to the other side of my desk and looked over at Hank.
He was focused on his computer reading a report probably. As I went back to the papers I finished writing down the report and went to the next one. Half an hour went by and I finished half of the reports.
There wasn't a lot but I'm still getting them done. I finished about 15 by now. I got up out of my chair and picked up the papers and headed to Fowler's office. I opened the glass door and walked in. Fowler looked up at me and smiled.
"Finished most of the files?" I nodded. "Yeah most of them were easy simple things others not so much. I still have a little more but I promise I'll get them done." I handed him the reports and he took them putting them on his desk and going back to his computer. I walked out and stretched a bit. I walked up to Hank's desk and stood beside him. Hank looked up at me and smiled.
"Hey. What's up?" He asked. I thought for a minute.
"Nothing really, just work. But it's almost lunchtime so I'm not complaining." He nodded writing some stuff down.
"Yeah, just another half an hour." I looked around the office for a moment.
"Where's Connor?" I asked not seeing him around anywhere.
"He's interviewing someone."
"Oh okay." It made sense now.
"(Y/n) are you okay? You seemed stressed earlier." Hank looked at me concerned.
"Yeah. I was just arguing with someone. It was nothing." I didn't want to say anything about Amber.
No one needed to know. Hank nodded as if he understood. I walked back over to my desk and turned my phone back on.
Taking another paper off my desk and reading it and writing again. I checked the phone and saw I had 50+ new messages.
My eyes widened as I opened the app and read all the messages. All of them were bullshit texts. I rolled my eyes and put my phone down going back to finish my work.

(Skip to lunch break)

Finally, lunch, and I finished my work. I looked over at Hank and Connor as Connor was standing by him again. I got up out of my chair and walked up to them both.
"Hey, Hank. Do you want to go to lunch now? We can go on our lunch break now." Hank looked up and put down his pen nodding.
"Yeah. I need to get out of this place for the next 30 minutes." I laughed at his comment.
"You wanna tag along Connor?" Connor looked at Hank then back at me.
"That's up to you Connor. You can come alone. I don't care." Hank said.
"I wouldn't mind coming along." Connor said.
"Well c'mon then and also where do you guys wanna go?" I asked curiously grabbing my keys.
"It doesn't matter. As long as I can eat I'm good." Hank commented getting out of his chair and following me to my car with Connor right behind. Walking out of the building I see Gavin walking toward us.
"Hey, Gavin." I said as we walked closer together.
"Hey, cutie." Gavin said as we walked by. I blushed and rolled my eyes.
"What a flirt." Hank said roughly.
"You don't like Gavin do you, Hank." I said with a laugh already knowing the answer.
"Nope. He's a prick."
"Knew it."

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