Gavin x New Male Android (part 7)

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(The next day)

Gavin's p.o.v.

"Hey, I'm going to take a shower. Then we're going to get groceries."
"Alright. I'll be waiting on the couch, for you."

I took my time to get clean and make sure I don't look like a bum.
Even if I was just getting groceries.
After 25 minutes I turned off the water and dried up.
I put some semi-decent clothes on until I heard a thud.

"Hey, are you okay?" I opened the bathroom door as (y/n) just walked up to the door and I saw the thirum run down his arm.

Quickly I grabbed a washcloth and handed it to him. He took it and cleaned up the blue blood coming out of his nose till it stopped.
"You're always getting in trouble." I sighed.
"S-sorry. I didn't mean to worry you. I just tripped and went face first causing my nose to bleed."

But (y/n) did look sorry. I couldn't stay a little upset at him for long.

"I'm not mad. Just be a little bit more careful." I told him
(Y/n) nodded and gave me back the wash clothes as I put it with my dirty pajamas and threw them in the basket.
"Alright. Are we ready?"
"Um, I think so yeah." (Y/n) answered.
I grabbed my keys as we made our way out to the cold and to the car.
(Y/n) has decided to wear some of my old clothes that don't for me.

(Skip to getting to the grocery store)

Third-person p.o.v.

You and Gavin got out of the warm car and out into the snow-covered ground and windy cold air.

As you and Gavin walked to the store you lightly cuddled up to him because you forgot that you turned on your temperature settings.
You wanted to feel what humans felt, to feel more real.

"Are you cold?" Gavin asked looking down at you.
"Y-yeah. I don't know how you humans do it." You said as you huffed out air watching it turn white.
You looked down at the snow-covered parking lot remembering that you were wearing real human clothing but you knew that people still knew that you were an android dew to your LED.

"To be honest I have no clue either." Gavin replied with a shrug.

You thought once you both get home to remove your LED.
But you don't know how Gavin would feel. But wouldn't that mean that everyone would know that you're a deviant?
You knew that Connor still has his and he's a deviant.
Hank told you the whole story about androids being freed. You sighed and thought hard.
Maybe having an LED isn't so bad in a way.
Getting into the store Gavin grabbed a cart and you followed. You guys first grabbed paper towels and toilet paper then headed to grab all the food for the time being.

As you and Gavin walked around you saw many different androids helping older people or with kids.
You smiled just thinking of how everyone was getting along pretty well. You looked at Gavin and thought about the first time you met him. You knew he hated you at first and now he likes you.

"Hey, um Gavin?" You asked biting a small part of your lip.
Making Gavin's heart race a little faster as he hasn't heard you say his first name before.
"Yes, (y/n)?" Gavin responded while still looking for food you guys need.
"Do you love me?" Gavin looked at you with a surprised face.
"Of course I do. Why do you ask?" You fiddled with your fingers and looked at the floor.
"Just um...the first time we met you hated me and know it seems like you don't...but I don't know if you're just hiding it." You said quietly.
Gavin smiled and kissed you on the cheek.
"I don't hate you and I'm not hiding it. I just had to get used to you and I see know how androids aren't you bad." You looked back up at him with a small smile and kissed him back on the cheek.

(Skip to loading groceries in the car)

(Y/n) and I started packing the groceries in the car.
Once I looked over at (y/n) packing the food and stuff in the car I saw his LED turn yellow and stay like that.
"Hey, are you okay (y/n)?" He looked up at me quickly.
"U-um yeah I think so, why?" He said as he closed the car door and started putting the cart back

"Well your LED is yellow. I thought when it's yellow something wrong." I continued as he walked away to put the cart away.
When he came back it was back to blue. I just have this feeling that something is wrong. We both got in the car and before I even started the car I faced (y/n) as he just stared at his shoes.

"Tell me what's wrong." I said sternly. He slowly looked at me with his soft (y/e/c) eyes.
Before I could say anything else he cupped my face and slammed his lips on mine. It felt like my heart jumped out of my chest from his sudden action.
A few seconds later after kissing he let go of my face and I let him catch his breath.
"Was that it?" I raised my eyebrow.
(Y/n) nodded with a flushed face.
"I wanted to feel what humans feel. It feels nice." He whispered.
"It sure did. Now come on. Let's get home."

(Skip to getting all the grocery's in the kitchen)

Gavin's p.o.v.

Me and (y/n) got everything to the kitchen and started putting stuff away.
I don't mind having to carry everything up in the elevator but soon hopefully I'll be getting my own house.
(Y/n) was putting the groceries away in the fridge while I went and grabbed the rest of it.
Quickly making my way back I dropped everything off and threw my snow-covered coat on the couch.
"Gavin. We just cleaned the couch the other day." (Y/n) huffed.
"Eh. I'll just clean it again." I took off my boots and put them by the heater.

I helped (y/n) put the rest of everything away.
After all of that, I wiped off the couch from the melted snow from my jacket.
Putting my jacket in my room to dry and sat on the couch as I turned on the news and looked out the window and watched the sun go down.

(Y/n) stood beside me as I sat.
"It looks pretty." (Y/n) remarked with a smile.
"It sure does." I smiled too.
"Going back to work tomorrow?" He asked.
"Don't remind me." I huffed.
"I'm just messing with you." He laughed.

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