Gavin x New Male Android (part 3)

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Gavin's p.o.v.

Loud beeping started to go off as I tried to ignore it.
Finally, I groaned loudly and slammed the button loudly.
"Fuck, it's 5:30. Man, it's too early."

That's when there was a soft knock at the door.
"Yes?" I mumbled loudly.
(Y/n) opened the door and pecked his head in.
"Did you just wake up, Detective Reed?" He questioned.
"Yes, I did. Give me a minute I'll be getting ready for work soon." I huffed.
"Okay, I started your coffee." (Y/n) gleamed and walked out the room.

Quickly throwing my legs over the side on the bed I threw on my clothes and made my way slowly to the kitchen where (y/n) stood by the window in the living room.
"Why do you keep looking out the window?" I question while poring a cup of coffee.
"Because. It looks cool up here." He explained as he walked into the kitchen as he waited for me.
"I'm working on it, tin can. Let me make my coffee and enjoy it" I glare at him.
"I know."

Slowly sipping my coffee I put my shoes on, grabbed my keys, and headed with (y/n) to the car but surprisingly we were making some good time.

(Skip to work)

Your p.o.v.

Both me and Gavin walked into the stations and signed in.
I followed by Gavin's side as we headed to his desk.

Connor and Hank came over near us.
"Surprise, surprise. Someone is here on time today." Hank teased Gavin as he laughed.
"Yeah, yeah. Whatever. It's only because of the tin can." Gavin huffed.

Gavin drinks coffee like water. It's not good for him but it makes him happy.
He's almost drank the whole hot cup by the time we got to the police station. 

"Detective Reed, would you like some more coffee?" Gavin looks at me.
"Um sure, I might need my caffeine for the day."
Gavin handed me his cup as I headed to the kitchen and Hank and Gavin kept talking.
Probably still making fun of each other.

Looking away I slowly made his cup as I try to remember what he likes all in his coffee.
I cleaned up what little mess I made until I felt someone bump into me making me spill more of the coffee getting it on my suit.

Looking behind me it was a different officer, who also doesn't like androids.
I huffed and cleaned up the coffee spill and made my why to Gavin.

I walk up to Gavin still sitting in his office chair but now he was talking to this random woman.

"Reed, here's your coffee." I put the coffee on his desk.
"Thank you (y/n). Oh and this is one of my friends, her name's Vanessa."
I wave at Vanessa, trying to look kind.
"Hi, you must be (y/n). Very nice to meet you."

I already have a bad feeling about her.

I stand back over by Gavin as my seat has been taken.
"Hey, also you have a stain on your suit." Gavin points at the stain.
"Oh, yeah. Someone bumped into me while I was making your coffee." Gavin huffed.
He seemed annoyed. I wanted to ask but didn't want to annoy him.

I could only imagine how this relationship was going to go.

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